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Presents a heatmap plot for continuous variables



wfphm_hmcont_server(id, dataset, subjid_var, sorted_x, margin)



Shiny ID [character(1)]


[shiny::reactive(data.frame) | shinymeta::metaReactive(data.frame)]

It expects the following format:

  • it contains, at least, the columns specified in the parameters: subjid_var

  • subjid_var columns is a factor



column used as indicated in the details section


[factor(*) | shiny::reactive(factor(*)) | shinymeta::metaReactive(factor(*))]

indicates how the levels of subjid_var should be ordered in the X axis.


[numeric(4) | shiny::reactive(numeric(4)) | shinymeta::metaReactive(numeric(4))]

margin to be used on each of the sides. It must contain four entries named top, bottom, left and right



A heatmap plot


A list with one entry:

  • margin: similar to the margin parameter with the minimum margins for the current plot


  • wfphm_hmcont_UI(): UI

  • wfphm_hmcont_server(): server

Data subsetting:

  • Allows selecting several columns from all numerical columns, from now on numerical_selection.

    • Menu labelled: Continuous heatmap

  • Subsets the dataset to the columns numerical_selection, and subj_var.

  • Pivot the dataset to a longer format such that each row have:

    • column x: the value of subjid_var

    • column y: the value of a numerical_selection

    • column z: the value of the numerical_selection in y for the value in x

  • If more than one row have the same x and y an informative error indicating the plot cannot be created is shown.

X axis ordering

  • x levels are ordered according to sorted_x

Then a call to heatmap_D3 is done with the following arguments:

  • data = subset dataset (as described above)

  • x_axis = NULL

  • y_axis = W

  • z_axis = E

  • margin is the parameter passed to this same function

  • palette is hardcoded to RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 8, name = "Accent") after 8 categories colors are repeated

  • msg_func = NULL

  • quiet = TRUE