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dv.explorer.parameter 0.0.12

  • lineplot:
    • Prevent spurious reactive update

dv.explorer.parameter 0.0.11

  • lineplot:
    • Per-column default visit values. Breaking change, as it changes the expected type of default_visit_val.
    • Fixes order of x-axis visit ticks for continuous variables.

dv.explorer.parameter 0.0.10

  • lineplot hotfix:
    • Prevent suspendWhenHidden of dynamic UI.

dv.explorer.parameter 0.0.9

  • lineplot:
    • Y axis log projection menu option.
    • New cdisc_visit_vars parameter that accounts for missing Study Day 0 in CDISC datasets.
    • New default_transparency_value parameter.
    • Remove support for data dispatchers in favor of dataset names.

dv.explorer.parameter 0.0.8

  • WFPHM:
    • Fixes the error in conditional panels that prevented conditional panels in other modules to work properly.

dv.explorer.parameter 0.0.7

  • Lineplot:
    • Fix overlap of plot and data listings.

dv.explorer.parameter 0.0.6

  • Lineplot:
    • Prevent false-positive opaque error message at module startup.
  • Correlation heatmap:
    • Provide clear error message when handed records with identical subject IDs, category, parameter and visit values.

dv.explorer.parameter 0.0.5

  • First Github release
  • Renamed to dv.explorer.parameter