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Plot the contents of a dataframe as a heatmap, with optional legends, palette and alignment margins.


heatmap_d3_UI(id, ...)

  x_axis = "S",
  y_axis = "W",
  z_axis = "E",
  margin = list(top = 0, bottom = 0, left = 0, right = 0),
  palette = NULL,
  quiet = TRUE,
  msg_func = NULL,



Shiny ID [character(1)]


Extra parameters that are passed to r2d3::d3Output, r2d3::renderD3 and r2d3::r2d3


[data.frame() | shiny::reactive(data.frame) | shinymeta::metaReactive(data.frame)]

dataframe to plot. It expects the following format:

  • columns names ar "x", "y", "z" and, optionally, "label" and "color"

  • There is one entry for each combination of "x" and "y" present in the dataset. In other words, the values for each bar are defined explicitly, even if they are NA

  • Axis labels and legend title are stored as the attribute "label" of the "x", "y" and "z" columns. (Legend title is not implemented yet)

  • "x" and "y" are factors. The order of the levels dictates the ordering of each axis.

  • "z" is a factor or a double.

  • "label" values are printed on top of each of cell

  • If the column "color" is included, its values override the color defined according to the palette parameter. For the entries that we do not want to override the NA value must be passed in the color column.

  • It can contain additional columns that are not used for plotting but can be used in the tooltip.

x_axis, y_axis, z_axis

[character(1) | NULL | shiny::reactive(character(1) | NULL) | shinymeta::metaReactive(character(1) | NULL)]

Indicate the absence/presence and location of the axis descriptors (the descriptor for the x and y axes are the plot ticks; for the z axis it's the legend)

  • x_desc can take the following values: "N" (north), "S" (south), NULL

  • y_desc can take the following values: "W" (west), "E" (east), NULL

  • z_desc can take the following values: "N", "E", "S", "W", NULL


[numeric(4) | shiny::reactive(numeric(4)) | shinymeta::metaReactive(numeric(4))]

margin to be used on each of the sides.


[character(1+) | numeric (1+) | shiny::reactive(character(1+) | numeric (1+)) | shinymeta::metaReactive(character(1+) | numeric (1+))]

Vector that maps values to "z" colors. The names of the vector are hexadecimal colors encoded as #rrggbb or #rrggbbaa (red, green, blue, alpha) and the values are the "z" values that should be mapped to that color.

  • If "z" is a factor, the palette is complete (i.e. it should offer one color per value).

  • If "z" is a double, the palette should contain at least two values covering the min-max range of possible values. If it contains more, the color of each cell will be linearly interpolated according to where its value falls between the two surrounding provided colors.

  • z values that are NA or NULL will always be colored in grey.

  • In all cases the same color can be mapped to several values


[logical(1) | shiny::reactive(logical(1)) | shinymeta::metaReactive(logical(1))]

A boolean indicating if javascript code should include debug output.


[character(1) | shiny::reactive(numeric(1)) | shinymeta::metaReactive(numeric(1))]

A JS string that is evaluated in the client. The string must return a function that receives a single parameter and returns HTML code that is placed in the tooltip. If NULL a default tooltip is shown.



A heatmap plot


A list with one entry: margin: similar to the margin parameter with the minimum margins for the current plot


msg func contains a string containing JS code. When evaluated, this string will be evaluated in the client and must return a function that receives a single parameter. That parameter will contain a JS object with the same fields as columns in data for the point being hovered.


  • heatmap_d3_UI(): UI

  • heatmap_d3_server(): Server