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Waterfall component of WFPHM



  .default_group_palette = function(x) {
  bar_group_palette = list(),



Shiny ID [character(1)]

cat_var, par_var, visit_var, subjid_var


columns used as indicated in the details section



possible colum values. If column is labelled, label will be displayed in the value menu



list of custom palettes to apply to bar_grouping. It receives the values used for grouping and must return a DaVinci palette. Each palette is applied when the name of the entry in the list matches the name of the column used for grouping


[numeric(4) | shiny::reactive(numeric(4)) | shinymeta::metaReactive(numeric(4))]

margin to be used on each of the sides. It must contain four entries named top, bottom, left and right


[shiny::reactive(data.frame) | shinymeta::metaReactive(data.frame)]

It expects the following format:

  • it contains, at least, the columns specified in the parameters: cat_var, par_var, value_vars, visit_var and subjid_var

  • cat_var, par_var, visit_var and subjid_var columns are factors



A bar plot


A list with two entries:

  • margin: similar to the margin parameter with the minimum margins for the current plot

  • sorted_x: From the subsetted data the x levels sorted from high to low by y


Data subsetting:

  • Allows selecting a column from all factor or character columns, from now on grouping_selection.

    • Menu labelled: Grouping

  • Data selection for plotting can be done in two modes switched by:

    • Menu labelled: Display demographic baseline information

Mode 1:

  • Allows selecting a column from the set of all numerical columns, from now on value_selection.

    • Menu labelled: Value

  • Subsets the dataset to the columns grouping_selection, subj_var and value_selection.

  • Removes all repeated rows from the dataset

  • If more than one row have the same subj_var an informative error indicating the plot cannot be created is shown.

Mode 2:

  • Allows selecting a value from the cat_var column, from now on cat_selection and a value from the par_var column from the subset of rows where par_cat is equal to cat_selection from now on par_selection.

    • Menu labelled: Category and Parameter

  • Allows selecting between the columns defined in val_var from now on value_selection.

    • Menu labelled: Value

  • Allows selecting a value from visit_var column, from now on visit_selection.

    • Menu labelled: Visit

  • Subsets the dataset rows where:

    • visit_var equal to visit_selection

    • par_var equal to par_selection

  • Subsets the dataset to the grouping_selection, the subj_var and the value_selection.

  • If more than one row have the same subj_var an informative error indicating the plot cannot be created is shown.

Then the dataset is prepared to be passed to bar_D3:

  • subj_var becomes x column

  • val_selection becomes y column

  • the label attribute of y column is either value_selection in Mode 1 or par_selection in Mode 2

  • grouping_selection becomes z column

  • grouping_selection becomes label column

Completing the dataset:

  • Subset dataset will be completed in the following way. If any level in x is not present in the subset dataset, but it was present in the subj_var column in the original dataset, a row is added where x is equal to the missing value y is NA and z is NA.

Data outliers:

  • Allows setting two limits upper and lower, values above or below in the subsetted dataset will be considered outliers. Rows considered outliers will have the column:

    • label replaced by "outlier"

    • color equal to "gray"

  • Rows not considered outliers will have the column:

    • color equal to NA

X axis sorting

  • x levels are sorted from greater to lower value in y

Then a call to bar_D3 is done with the following arguments:

  • data = subset dataset (as described above)

  • x_axis = NULL

  • y_axis = W

  • z_axis = NULL

  • margin is the parameter passed to this same function

  • palette is hardcoded with 8 colors. After 8 categories colors are repeated

  • msg_func = NULL

  • quiet = TRUE


  • wfphm_wf_UI(): UI

  • wfphm_wf_server(): server