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dv.manager 2.1.5

  • dv.manager dataset filters are now deactivated by default and can be activated by setting enable_dataset_filter parameter in run_app.
  • dv.manager filter hide/shows filters depending on the selected module.
  • Empty datasets can be included in the application again.
  • Fixed a bug that removed labels from column datasets when data was filtered.
  • Module names can no longer be an empty string ''.

dv.manager 2.1.4

  • Removes leftover title automatic capitalization.

  • Extends Arguments From Module Manager to include include a data slot that acts as a pass-through of the run_app argument by the same name.

dv.manager 2.1.3

  • dv.manager includes the option to filter using several datasets
  • dv.manager includes tab_group that allows grouping of modules in TabSets.

dv.manager 2.1.2

  • Tab titles are no longer capitalized

  • Removes golem dependency

dv.manager 2.1.1

  • General code housekeeping

  • Move all tests from shinytest to shinytest2

dv.manager 2.1.0

  • dispatchers now include a flatten argument. When selection length is 1 it flattens the list if TRUE. If selection length is greater than 1 flatten must be FALSE.
  • Passing expressions and using sessionuserDatamanager_utils$switch_tab are now defunct
  • It no longer hardcodes the enableBookmarking as "url". The argument passed to the enableBookmarking parameter is forwarded to shiny runApp. Therefore, bookmarking is delegated to Shiny and no special implementacion happens inside dv.manager.
  • It now includes a simple logging system described in: here
  • The arguments from module manager will now include an entry dataset_metadata entry that will contain the name and date of the selected dataset.
    • dataset_name entry will be deprecated in following versions.
  • Allows periodical reloading of the datasets via the reload_period parameter.

dv.manager 2.0.0

Major changes

Instantiating modules is no longer done by means of an rlang expression but with a function with a single argument. Documentation about this can be found here and here This argument contains a list with:

  • unfiltered_dataset: a metaReactive list containing the tables inside the selected dataset before filtering them.

  • filtered_dataset: a metaReactive list containing the tables inside the selected dataset after filtering them.

  • url_parameters: a reactive list of the parameters passed in the url.

  • dataset_name: a reactive string containing the name of the selected dataset.

  • module_output: a function that when called returns a list of all the values returned by the different modules indexed by the module_id.

  • module_names: a non-reactive named list containing as values the names of the module entries as displayed on the tab and as names the ids of the module entries as used by Shiny.

  • utils: a list of convenience functions:

    • switch2: a function that allows switching between tabs programatically
  • A set of dispatcher functions that facilitate the access are included. Documentation can be found here.

dv.manager isolates custom CSS styling for loaded modules. This ensures CSS styles are applied where they are intended.

dv.manager allows including an startup message

dv.manager now includes the possibility of SSO using Azure Active Directory

Minor Changes

  • Data selector disappears when no, or one, dataset is passed into the app.

  • The format of the date presented in the application is now “2021-Jan-01 (UTC)”.

  • The size of the package has been reduced to avoid check notes.

dv.manager 1.0.0

  • modulemanager packages is now dv.manager
  • This is is the first productive release of module manager
  • Easily generates a Shiny app from simple code
  • Offers a UI container for Shiny modules developed to be compatible with it
  • Acts as a data dispatcher that transparently allows dataset switching and filtering
  • Allows bookmarking of the state of the generated Shiny app (included modules must be compatible with this feature)