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dv.manager has three main goals:

  1. Act as a front end container for dv.filter and the modules included in the app
  2. Dispatch data from the loaded datasets to each of the modules (either filtered or unfiltered)
  3. Manage communication between modules (Not available yet)

Anatomy of DaVinci Modules

Opposed to pure Shiny modules, DaVinci modules are defined in a single call such as the one created in the main example of this documentation.

data <- list(adsl = pharmaverseadam::adsl, adae = pharmaverseadam::adae)

module_list <- list(
  "My First Data table" = dv.listings::mod_data_table(
    dataset = dv.manager::mm_dispatch("filtered_dataset", "adsl"),
    module_id = "mod1"

  data = list("DS" = data),
  module_list = module_list,
  filter_data = "adsl"

These modules are simple wrappers around pure Shiny modules that return a list containing:

  1. A UI function with a single argument, its shiny id.
  2. A function with a single parameter that will call the server function.
  3. A module ID, that will act in the same way as the ID in pure shiny modules.

See below an example with a simple module

table_UI <- function(id) { # nolint
  ns <- shiny::NS(id)

table_server <- function(id, dataset) {
    function(input, output, session) {
      output$table <- DT::renderDT(
        selection = "single"
      returned_rows <- shiny::reactive({
        dataset()[[input$table_rows_selected, "USUBJID"]]

mod_table <- function(dataset, mod_id, table_name) {
  mod <- list(
    ui = function(id) {
    server = function(afmm) {
        id = mod_id,
        dataset = shiny::reactive(afmm[["filtered_dataset"]]())[[table_name]]
    module_id = mod_id

An explanation of the code above:

The most relevant part of this module is the server entry of the list of returned by the module function: a function with a single argument. See vignette("arguments_from_module_manager") for a longer explanation on this topic.