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Here, we will follow some simple steps to create an application using dv.manager. Note that that dv.manager does not include any module it just serves as a container therefore along these steps we will install the app package from the DaVinci project that contains several exploratory modules.

Data loading

dv.manager has been developed to work with DaVinci modules whose main purpose is to explore clinical trial data. The main input for this modules is data loaded from SDTM or ADAM datasets. We will use two dummy datasets in the dv.manager for illustration purposes.

data <- list(adsl = pharmaverseadam::adsl, adae = pharmaverseadam::adae)

Notice that datasets are all packed together in a single list.

Preprocessing the data (optional)

We can optionally preprocess the loaded data by: computing derived variables, rename variables, select a subset of the variables or a subset of the population,…

Module selection

Now, we have to select which modules will be included in our application. As mentioned before, dv.manager does not contain any modules, therefore we will install the dv.listings package (see how to install dv.listings an other modules in: vignette("installing_module_packages")).

If you already have dv.listings installed you can skip this step.

if (!require("remotes")) install.packages("remotes")

We can now include in our application or the modules included in the dv.listings package.

For example, we can use the data table from the dv.listings package.

module_list <- list(
  "My First Data table" = dv.listings::mod_data_table(
    dataset = dv.manager::mm_dispatch("filtered_dataset", "adsl"),
    module_id = "mod1"

Please notice that in the dataset parameter we do not directly pass a dataset (e.g. a data.frame or a tibble), but just a string indicating which of the datasets we loaded before we want to display in this table. Please refer to these vignettes `vignette(“how_does_work”)` for the explanation on how data is dispatched to the different modules.

Launching our first application

To launch our the application we now just need to call the run_app function in dv.manager.

  data = list("DS" = data),
  module_list = module_list,
  filter_data = "adsl"