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dv.manager include in all applications a filter for the input data.

In the run_app() call we specify which dataset will be passed to dv.filter in the filter_data parameter. The fields of this dataset will be displayed in the filter.

  data = list("DS" = data),
  module_list = module_list,
  filter_data = "adsl"
) # Dataset used to filter other datasets

All datasets passed in the the data parameter will also be affected by this filtering. The dv.manager, by default, assumes that all datasets in data and filter_data have a common field “USUBJID”. This field will be used as a common key to allow the filtering of all datasets in data based on the filter_data dataset. This filtering key can be modified in the run_app() call by modifying the parameter filter_key.

The figure below depicts the steps of the filtering process when using the default filtering key “USUBJID”:

In a first step (1), filter_data makes a subselection of all subjects in the study according to the criteria selected by the user (in the case of the figure only female participants above 30 years). In a second step (2), we filter the rest of the datasets in data and only those subjects that survived the filtering in step 1 will remain.