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visits_to_mstate() converts visits to interval-censored multi-state data where each row corresponds to a transition between states. The conversion assumes that visit spacing is tight enough to not miss any transitions.


visits_to_mstate(tbl_visits, model, now = max(tbl_visits$t))



data frame, visit data in long format


an object of class srpmodel containing prior information


time point since start of trial (might be later than last recorded visit)


A data frame with multi-state data; variables are subject_id<chr>, group_id<chr>, subject_id<chr>, from<chr>, to<chr>, t_min<dbl>, t_max<dbl>, t_sot<dbl>, where to and from indicate the state from which and into which the transitions occurs, t_max and t_min specify the interval in which the transition occurred relative to t_sot

(start of treatment).


mdl <- create_srpmodel(A = define_srp_prior())
tbl_visits <- sample_predictive(mdl, n_per_group = 5L, nsim = 1, seed = 468L)
visits_to_mstate(tbl_visits, mdl)
#> # A tibble: 8 × 7
#>   subject_id group_id from     to          t_min t_max t_sot
#>   <chr>      <chr>    <chr>    <chr>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 ID05135273 A        stable   response    46.8  47.8   5.84
#> 2 ID05135273 A        response progression 54.8  55.8   5.84
#> 3 ID05466621 A        stable   progression 52.0  53.0   1.01
#> 4 ID05662273 A        stable   progression 35.8  36.8   3.81
#> 5 ID05729114 A        stable   response    12.3  13.3   6.26
#> 6 ID05729114 A        response progression 23.3  24.3   6.26
#> 7 ID07955012 A        stable   response     6.94  7.94  4.94
#> 8 ID07955012 A        response progression 25.9  26.9   4.94