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impute() samples visits for individuals in data and potentially missing individuals up to a maximum of n_per_group from the posterior predictive distribution of the given model.

sample_predictive() draws samples from the predictive distribution of a model given a parameter sample.


  n_per_group = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  p = NULL,
  shape = NULL,
  scale = NULL,
  now = NULL,
  seed = NULL,
  nsim_parameters = 1000L,
  warmup_parameters = 250L,
  nuts_control = list(),
  as_mstate = FALSE,

  sample = NULL,
  p = NULL,
  shape = NULL,
  scale = NULL,
  seed = NULL,
  nsim_parameters = 1000L,
  warmup_parameters = 250,
  nuts_control = list(),
  as_mstate = FALSE,



an object of class srpmodel containing prior information


a data frame with variables subject_id<chr> (subject identifier), group_id<chr> (group identifier), t<dbl> (time of visit, relative to first visit in study), state<chr> (state recorded at visit). Allowed states are "stable", "response", "progression" (or death), and "EOF" (end of follow-up). The EOF state marks the end of an individual's follow-up before the absorbing state "progression".


integer, number of samples to draw


integer vector with number of individuals per group.


a stanfit object with samples from the respective model.


numeric, vector of optional fixed response probabilities to use for sampling


numeric, matrix of optional fixed Weibull shape parameters to use for sampling must be a matrix of dim c(n_groups, 3) where the second dimension corresponds to the transitions between s->r, s->p, r->p


numeric, matrix of optional fixed Weibull scale parameters to use for sampling must be a matrix of dim c(n_groups, 3) where the second dimension corresponds to the transitions between s->r, s->p, r->p


numeric, time since first visit in data if not last recorded visit time


integer, fixed random seed; NULL for no fixed seed


integer, number of parameter samples


integer, number of warmup samples for the rstan sampler before retaining samples of the parameters.


list, parameters for NUTS algorithm see control argument inrstan::stan()


logical, return data in mstate format?


further arguments passed to method implementations


a data frame with variables subject_id<chr> (subject identifier), group_id<chr> (group identifier), t<dbl> (time of visit, relative to first visit in study), state<chr> (state recorded at visit) iter<int> (re-sample indicator). Allowed states are "stable", "response", "progression" (or death), and "EOF" (end of follow-up). The EOF state marks the end of an individual's follow-up before the absorbing state "progression".


mdl <- create_srpmodel(A = define_srp_prior())
tbl <- tibble::tibble(
  subject_id = c("A1", "A1"),
  group_id = c("A", "A"),
  t = c(0, 1.5),
  state = c("stable", "stable")
impute(mdl, tbl, 1L, seed = 38L)
#> # A tibble: 16 × 5
#>    subject_id group_id     t state        iter
#>    <chr>      <chr>    <dbl> <chr>       <int>
#>  1 A1         A          0   stable          1
#>  2 A1         A          1.5 stable          1
#>  3 A1         A          2.5 stable          1
#>  4 A1         A          3.5 stable          1
#>  5 A1         A          4.5 stable          1
#>  6 A1         A          5.5 stable          1
#>  7 A1         A          6.5 stable          1
#>  8 A1         A          7.5 stable          1
#>  9 A1         A          8.5 response        1
#> 10 A1         A          9.5 response        1
#> 11 A1         A         10.5 response        1
#> 12 A1         A         11.5 response        1
#> 13 A1         A         12.5 response        1
#> 14 A1         A         13.5 response        1
#> 15 A1         A         14.5 response        1
#> 16 A1         A         15.5 progression     1

sample_predictive(mdl, 1L, 20L, seed = 38L)
#> # A tibble: 1,507 × 5
#>    subject_id group_id     t state   iter
#>    <chr>      <chr>    <dbl> <chr>  <int>
#>  1 ID00969187 A         26.7 stable     1
#>  2 ID00969187 A         27.7 stable     1
#>  3 ID00969187 A         28.7 stable     1
#>  4 ID00969187 A         29.7 stable     1
#>  5 ID00969187 A         30.7 stable     1
#>  6 ID00969187 A         31.7 stable     1
#>  7 ID00969187 A         32.7 stable     1
#>  8 ID00969187 A         33.7 stable     1
#>  9 ID00969187 A         34.7 stable     1
#> 10 ID00969187 A         35.7 stable     1
#> # ℹ 1,497 more rows