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dv.edish 1.0.3

  • Initial release of dv.edish package to GitHub.

dv.edish 1.0.2

  • The module is now able to deal with multiple values per subject, visit, and lab test by using the maximum value.
  • When there is no data to display, e.g., due to filter settings, the module will provide a meaningful output.
  • The module has been updated to show commonly used default values for reference lines. For the x-axis, the default value is 3, and for the y-axis, the default value is 2.

dv.edish 1.0.1

  • Bugfix: Bookmarking the app’s state failed for arm and parameter selection but is fixed now.

dv.edish 1.0.0

  • Initial version of dv.edish.