Skip to contents
#' Display Parameters Table
#' This function generates a markdown table displaying the names and values of parameters
#' from a named list.
#' @param named_list A named list where each name represents a parameter name and the list
#'   element represents the parameter value. Date values in the list are automatically
#'   converted to character strings for display purposes.
#' @return Prints a markdown table with two columns: "Parameter Name" and "Parameter Values".
#'   The function does not return a value but displays the table directly to the output.
#' @importFrom knitr kable
#' @examples
#' params <- list("Start Date" = as.Date("2020-01-01"),
#'                "End Date" = as.Date("2020-12-31"),
#'                "Threshold" = 10)
#' display_params_table(params)
#' @export
display_params_table <- function(named_list) {
  display_table <- data.frame()
  value_names <- data.frame()
  for (i in 1:length(named_list)) {
    # dates will display as numeric by default, so convert to char first
    if (class(named_list[[i]]) == "Date") {
      named_list[[i]] = as.character(named_list[[i]])
    if (!is.null(names(named_list[[i]]))) {
      value_names <- rbind(value_names, paste(names(named_list[[i]]), collapse = ', '))
    values <- data.frame(I(list(named_list[[i]])))
    display_table <- rbind(display_table, values)
  round_numeric <- function(x, digits = 3) {
    if (is.numeric(x)) {
      return(round(x, digits))
    } else {
  display_table[1] <- lapply(display_table[1], function(sublist) {
    lapply(sublist, round_numeric)
  class(display_table[[1]]) <- "list"
  if (nrow(value_names) == 0) {
      cbind(names(named_list), display_table),
      col.names = c("Name", "Value")
  } else {
      cbind(names(named_list), value_names, display_table),
      col.names = c("Name", "Value Labels", "Value")
# function to solve power results for tables (different max eff) BayesianMCPMod
# return(successrates models, average)
extract_success_rates <- function(results_list, models) {
  success_rates <- list()

  for (i in seq_along(results_list)) {
    success_rate <- c()
    for (model in models) {
      success_rate <- c(success_rate, attr(results_list[[i]][[model]]$BayesianMCP,"successRate"))
    success_rates[[paste0("Bay_",  attr(results_list[[i]],"maxEff"))]] <- c(success_rate, attr(results_list[[i]], "avgSuccessRate"))


# function to solve power results for tables (different nsample) BayesianMCPMod
#models <c-(min_scenario)
extract_success_rates_nsample <- function(results_list, models) {
  success_rates <- list()

  for (i in seq_along(results_list)) {
    success_rate <- c()
    for (model in models) {
      success_rate <- c(success_rate, attr(results_list[[i]][[model]]$BayesianMCP,"successRate"))
    success_rates[[paste0("Bay_", i )]] <- c(success_rate,  attr(results_list[[i]],"avgSuccessRate"))


#input: result_list, models =
extract_success_rates_nsim <- function(results_list, models, n_sim) {
  success_rates <- list()
  for (model in models) {
    success_rate <- c()
    for (i in seq_along(n_sim)) {

      success_rate <- c(success_rate, attr(results_list[[i]][[model]]$BayesianMCP,"successRate"))
    success_rates[[paste0("Bay_", model)]] <- c(success_rate)


print_result_Bay_max_eff <- function(results, scenario, variable) {

  result_table <- t(data.table(
    Bay_0.05 = results$Bay_0.05,
    Bay_0.1 = results$Bay_0.1,
    Bay_0.2 = results$Bay_0.2,
    Bay_0.3 = results$Bay_0.3,
    Bay_0.5 = results$Bay_0.5))

  result_table <-
  names(result_table) <- scenario

  kable_result <- kable(cbind(variable, result_table))%>%
    kable_classic(full_width = TRUE)%>%
    add_header_above(c("Power results different expected effects " = length(scenario)+1), font_size = 15, bold = TRUE)%>%
    add_header_above(c("BayesianMCPMod " = length(scenario)+1), font_size = 15, bold = TRUE)

  list(result_table = result_table, kable_result = kable_result)

print_result_Bay_nsample <- function(results, scenario, variable) {

  result_table <- t(data.table(
    Bay_1 = results$Bay_1,
    Bay_2 = results$Bay_2,
    Bay_3 = results$Bay_3,
    Bay_4 = results$Bay_4))

  result_table <-
  names(result_table) <- scenario

  kable_result <- kable(cbind(variable, result_table))%>%
    kable_classic(full_width = TRUE)%>%
    add_header_above(c("Success probability results different sample sizes " = length(scenario)+1), font_size = 15, bold = TRUE)%>%
    add_header_above(c("BayesianMCPMod " = length(scenario)+1), font_size = 15, bold = TRUE)

  list(result_table = result_table, kable_result = kable_result)

plot_power_deviation <- function(data, x, xlab){
  plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data, aes(x = x, y = value, color = variable, group = variable))+
    geom_line() +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(0, 100, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000),
    labels = c("", "100", "", "1000", "2500", "5000", "10000")) +
    geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0), linetype = 2)+
    geom_hline(aes(yintercept = -0.05), linetype = 2, color = "darkgrey")+
    geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0.05), linetype = 2, color = "darkgrey")+
    geom_hline(aes(yintercept = -0.1), linetype = 2, color = "darkgrey")+
    geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0.1), linetype = 2, color = "darkgrey")+
    scale_color_manual(name = "assumed true model", values = c("linear" = "red", "exponential" = "blue", "emax" = "darkgreen", "logistic" = "orange", "sigemax" = "purple", "beta" = "deepskyblue", "quadratic" = "deeppink"))+
    labs(x = xlab, y = "power deviation")+
    ylim(-0.15, 0.15)+        

# parallel----------------------------------------------
chunkVector <- function (x, n_chunks) {
  if (n_chunks <= 1) {
    chunk_list <- list(x)
  } else {
    chunk_list <- unname(split(x, cut(seq_along(x), n_chunks, labels = FALSE)))




1 Introduction

This vignette demonstrates the application of the {BayesianMCPMod} package for sample size calculations and the comparison with the {MCPModPack} package. As for other bayesian approaches BMCPMod is set up in a way that it mimics the results (and operating characteristics) of the frequentist MCPMod for non-informative priors. This characteristic is illustrated in the following sections focusing on the trial planning.

In order to compare BayesianMCPMod and MCPModPack success probabilities four different dose-finding scenarios are considered. For the first three scenarios the general trial design is the same, the only difference is the considered set of DR models. These design choices are:

  • four dose levels plus placebo (0 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg, 4 mg, 8 mg)

  • total sample size of N = 200

  • equal allocation ratio for each dose group

  • standard deviation of 0.4 for every dose group

The fourth scenario, the variability scenario, has some different design choices for the number of dose levels and the total sample size: - three dose levels plus placebo (0 mg, 1 mg, 4 mg, 8 mg) - total sample size of N = 100

Building on these scenarios the following varying additional parameters are used:

  • expected effect for maximum dose of (0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5)

  • different total sample size with different allocation:

  • (40,20,20,20,40), (30,30,30,30,30), (48,24,24,24,48), (36,36,36,36,36) (for the first three scenarios)

  • (40,20,20,40), (30,30,30,30), (48,24,24,48), (36,36,36,36) (for the variability scenario)

In a subsequent step, we extend our analysis to test the convergence of power values as the number of simulations increases. For this part of the study, we assume an expected effect for the maximum dose of 0.2. The sample size is set to 200 for the linear, monotonic and non-monotonic scenario and 100 for the variability scenario using equal allocation.

For each of these simulation cases, 10000 simulation runs are performed. Given the number of simulations, and using basic mathematical approximations (like the law of large numbers) the difference in success probabilities should be in the range of 1-3%.

#######  General assumptions  #########
# simulations
n_sim <- 100 #to be upscaled to 10000

# Define the list of sample sizes
nsample_list = list(20*c(2,1,1,1,2),30*c(1,1,1,1,1), 24*c(2,1,1,1,2),36*c(1,1,1,1,1))
nsample_vector <- c("(40,20,20,20,40)", "(30,30,30,30,30)", "(48,24,24,24,48)",  "(36,36,36,36,36)")

# define input parameters
doses.sim <- c(0,1,2,4,8)   # dose levels
max.dose <- max(doses.sim) # specify max dose possibly available
plc.guess <-  0 # expected placebo effect
Nsample <-c(40,40,40,40,40) #,36*c(1,1,1,1)) #list(20*c(2,1,1,2),30*c(1,1,1,1), 24*c(2,1,1,2),36*c(1,1,1,1))
expectedEffect_fix <- 0.2  #c(0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5)
expectedEffect <- c(0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5)
sd.sim <- c(0.4)

#input paramters variability scenario
doses_var <- c(0, 1, 4, 8)
sd.sim_var <- 0.4
Nsample_var <- c(25, 25, 25, 25)
nsample_list_var <- list(20*c(2,1,1,2),30*c(1,1,1,1), 24*c(2,1,1,2),36*c(1,1,1,1))

# define model functions  
emax.g <- guesst(d = doses.sim[2], p = 0.6, "emax") 
exp.g <- guesst(d=doses.sim[2],p=0.05,model="exponential", Maxd=max.dose)
logit.g <- guesst(d=c(doses.sim[2],doses.sim[3]),p=c(0.1,0.9),"logistic",Maxd=max.dose) 
sigEmax.g <- guesst(d=c(doses.sim[2],doses.sim[3]),p=c(0.15,0.75), model = "sigEmax") 
quad.g <- guesst(d=doses.sim[2],p=0.35,model="quadratic")
beta.g <- guesst(d=doses.sim[2],p=0.2,model="betaMod", dMax=5.5, scal=9.6, Maxd=max.dose)

### define models to be tested in MCPMod
models <- Mods(linear=NULL, 
               emax = emax.g,
               exponential = exp.g,
               sigEmax = sigEmax.g,
               quadratic = quad.g,
               betaMod = beta.g,
               doses = doses.sim,
               placEff = plc.guess, 
               maxEff = expectedEffect_fix,
               direction = "increasing",
               addArgs = list(scal=9.6) 

alpha <- 0.05

# display_params_table(models)

# kable(t(, Nsample))))%>%
#     kable_classic(full_width = TRUE)%>%
#     add_header_above(c( "Doses" = 6), font_size = 15, bold = TRUE)
# kable(t(data.table(placebo_guess = plc.guess,
#                  sd = sd.sim[1],
#                  alpha = alpha )))%>%
#     kable_classic(full_width = TRUE)

1.1 Scenarios

In the following the candidate models for the different scenarios are specified and plotted.

#Specification of considered models for different scenarios for BayesianMCPMod

min_scenario <- c("linear", "exponential", "emax")
min_models <- Mods(linear=NULL, 
                   exponential = exp.g,
                  emax = emax.g,
                  doses = doses.sim,
                  placEff = plc.guess, 
                  maxEff = expectedEffect_fix,
                  direction = "increasing"
plot(min_models, main = "minimal Scenario")

monotonic_scenario <- c("linear", "exponential", "emax", "logistic", "sigEmax")

monotonic_models <- Mods(linear=NULL, 
               exponential = exp.g,
               emax = emax.g,
               sigEmax = sigEmax.g,
               doses = doses.sim,
               placEff = plc.guess, 
               maxEff = expectedEffect_fix,
               direction = "increasing"
plot(monotonic_models, main = "monotonic Scenario")

non_monotonic_scenario <- c("linear", "emax", "sigEmax", "quadratic", "betaMod")

non_monotonic_models <- Mods(linear=NULL, 
               emax = emax.g,
               sigEmax = sigEmax.g,
               quadratic = quad.g,
               betaMod = beta.g,
               doses = doses.sim,
               placEff = plc.guess, 
               maxEff = expectedEffect_fix,
               direction = "increasing",
               addArgs = list(scal=9.6)
plot(non_monotonic_models,main = "non monotonic Scenario")

variability_scenario <- c("linear","exponential", "emax")

kable(t(, Nsample_var))))%>%
    kable_classic(full_width = TRUE)%>%
    add_header_above(c( "Doses variability scenario" = 5), font_size = 15)
Doses variability scenario
doses_var 0 1 4 8
Nsample_var 25 25 25 25
var_models <- Mods(linear=NULL, 
               exponential = exp.g,
               emax = emax.g,
               doses = doses_var,
               placEff = plc.guess, 
               maxEff = expectedEffect_fix,
               direction = "increasing"
plot(var_models, main = "variability Scenario")

2 MCPModPack

#Specification of considered models for different scenarios for MCPModPack

min_modelsPack = list(linear = NA,
              exponential = 4.447149,
              emax = 0.6666667)

monotonic_modelsPack = list(linear = NA,
              exponential = 4.447149,
              emax = 0.6666667,
              logistic = c(1.5, 0.2275598),
              sigEmax =  c(1.528629, 4.087463))

non_monotonic_modelsPack = list(linear = NA,
              emax = 0.6666667 ,
              sigEmax =  c(1.528629, 4.087463),
              quadratic = -0.09688711)

var_modelsPack = list(linear = NA,
              exponential = 4.447149,
              emax = 0.6666667,
              logistic = c(1.5, 0.2275598),
              sigEmax =  c(1.528629, 4.087463))

The following simulations will be conducted utilizing the MCPModPack package (with varying expected effect for maximum dose and sample sizes).

2.1 Minimal scenario

2.1.1 varying expected effect for maximum dose

# assumed dose - response model
sim_models_min_linear = list(linear = NA,
                             exponential = 4.447149,
                             max_effect = c(0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5),
                             sd = rep(sd.sim, length(doses.sim)),
                             placebo_effect = plc.guess)

sim_models_min_exp = list(exponential = 4.447149,
                  max_effect = c(0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5),
                  sd = rep(sd.sim, length(doses.sim)),
                  placebo_effect = plc.guess)

sim_models_min_emax = list( emax = 0.6666667,
                  max_effect = c(0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5),
                  sd = rep(sd.sim, length(doses.sim)),
                  placebo_effect = plc.guess)

# Simulation parameters
sim_parameters = list(n = Nsample, 
                      doses = doses.sim,
                      dropout_rate = 0.0, 
                      go_threshold = 0.1, 
                      nsims = n_sim)

# Initialize list to store results
results_list_min <- list()
# Run simulation
func_sim <- function(models ,sim_models, sim_parameters){

sim_result = MCPModSimulation(endpoint_type = "Normal", 
                                 models = models, 
                                 alpha = alpha, 
                                 direction = "increasing", 
                                 model_selection = "aveAIC", 
                                 Delta = 0.1,
                                 sim_models = sim_models,
                                 sim_parameters = sim_parameters)

list_models <- list(sim_models_min_linear, sim_models_min_exp, sim_models_min_emax)
chunks <- chunkVector(seq_along(list_models), getDoParWorkers())

results_list_min <- foreach(k = chunks, .combine = c)  %dorng% {
  lapply(k, function (i) {
    func_sim(min_modelsPack, list_models[[i]], sim_parameters) 

#store results
results_min_MCP <- data.table(
  max_eff = c(0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5),
  linear = c(results_list_min[[1]]$sim_results$power),
  exponential = c(results_list_min[[2]]$sim_results$power),
  emax = c(results_list_min[[3]]$sim_results$power),
  Average = c(sum(results_list_min[[1]]$sim_results$power[1], results_list_min[[2]]$sim_results$power[1], results_list_min[[3]]$sim_results$power[1])/3,
               sum(results_list_min[[1]]$sim_results$power[2], results_list_min[[2]]$sim_results$power[2], results_list_min[[3]]$sim_results$power[2])/3,
               sum(results_list_min[[1]]$sim_results$power[3], results_list_min[[2]]$sim_results$power[3], results_list_min[[3]]$sim_results$power[3])/3,
               sum(results_list_min[[1]]$sim_results$power[4], results_list_min[[2]]$sim_results$power[4], results_list_min[[3]]$sim_results$power[4])/3,
               sum(results_list_min[[1]]$sim_results$power[5], results_list_min[[2]]$sim_results$power[5], results_list_min[[3]]$sim_results$power[5])/3))

  kable_classic(full_width = TRUE)%>%
    add_header_above(c("Power results different expected effects " = 5), font_size = 15, bold = TRUE)%>%
    add_header_above(c("Minimal scenario " = 5), font_size = 15, bold = TRUE)
Minimal scenario
Power results different expected effects
max_eff linear exponential emax Average
0.05 0.13 0.16 0.17 0.1533333
0.10 0.29 0.43 0.31 0.3433333
0.20 0.80 0.77 0.82 0.7966667
0.30 0.99 0.97 0.98 0.9800000
0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0000000

2.1.2 varying sample size

#list of different samole sizes
nsample_list = list(20*c(2,1,1,1,2),30*c(1,1,1,1,1), 24*c(2,1,1,1,2),36*c(1,1,1,1,1))

# assumed dose - response model
sim_models_min_linear = list(linear = NA,
                  max_effect = expectedEffect_fix,
                  sd = rep(sd.sim, length(doses.sim)),
                  placebo_effect = plc.guess)

sim_models_min_exp = list(exponential = 4.447149,
                  max_effect = expectedEffect_fix,
                  sd = rep(sd.sim, length(doses.sim)),
                  placebo_effect = plc.guess)

sim_models_min_emax = list( emax = 0.6666667,
                  max_effect = expectedEffect_fix,
                  sd = rep(sd.sim, length(doses.sim)),
                  placebo_effect = plc.guess)

# Simulation parameters
sim_parameters = list(n = Nsample, 
                      doses = doses.sim,
                      dropout_rate = 0.0, 
                      go_threshold = 0.1, 
                      nsims = n_sim)

# store results
power_min_nsample_linear <- vector()
power_min_nsample_exp <- vector()
power_min_nsample_emax <- vector()

# # Loop over nsample values
# for (i in seq_along(nsample_list)) {
#   # Update nsample in simulation parameters
#   sim_parameters$n <- nsample_list[[i]]
#   # Set max_effect to 0.2
#   min_modelsPack$max_effect <- expectedEffect_fix
#   # power values for different assumed true models
#   power_nsample_linear <- func_sim(min_modelsPack, sim_models_min_linear, sim_parameters)
#   power_min_nsample_linear[i] <- power_nsample_linear$sim_results$power
#   power_nsample_exp <- func_sim(min_modelsPack, sim_models_min_exp, sim_parameters)
#   power_min_nsample_exp[i] <-power_nsample_exp$sim_results$power
#   power_nsample_emax <- func_sim(min_modelsPack, sim_models_min_emax, sim_parameters)
#   power_min_nsample_emax[i] <- power_nsample_exp$sim_results$power
# }
# Set max_effect to 0.2
min_modelsPack$max_effect <- expectedEffect_fix
#list of different samole sizes
nsample_list = list(20*c(2,1,1,1,2),30*c(1,1,1,1,1), 24*c(2,1,1,1,2),36*c(1,1,1,1,1),
                    20*c(2,1,1,1,2),30*c(1,1,1,1,1), 24*c(2,1,1,1,2),36*c(1,1,1,1,1),
                    20*c(2,1,1,1,2),30*c(1,1,1,1,1), 24*c(2,1,1,1,2),36*c(1,1,1,1,1))

list_models <- list(sim_models_min_linear,sim_models_min_linear,sim_models_min_linear,sim_models_min_linear,
                    sim_models_min_exp, sim_models_min_exp,sim_models_min_exp,sim_models_min_exp,
                    sim_models_min_emax, sim_models_min_emax, sim_models_min_emax, sim_models_min_emax)

#ind_tasks <- 1:12

chunks <- chunkVector(seq_along(list_models), getDoParWorkers())

results_list_min_nsample <- foreach(k = chunks, .combine = c, .export = c(as.character(min_modelsPack), as.character(nsample_list)))  %dorng% {
  lapply(k, function (i) {
    sim_parameters = list(n = nsample_list[[i]], 
                      doses = doses.sim,
                      dropout_rate = 0.0, 
                      go_threshold = 0.1, 
                      nsims = n_sim)
    func_sim(min_modelsPack, list_models[[i]], sim_parameters) 

# store results
results_min_MCP_nsample <- data.table(
  N_sample = c("(40,20,20,20,40)","(30,30,30,30,30)", "(48,24,24,24,48)","(36,36,36,36,36)"),
  Linear = c(results_list_min_nsample[[1]]$sim_results$power, results_list_min_nsample[[2]]$sim_results$power, results_list_min_nsample[[3]]$sim_results$power, results_list_min_nsample[[4]]$sim_results$power),
  Exponential = c(results_list_min_nsample[[5]]$sim_results$power, results_list_min_nsample[[6]]$sim_results$power, results_list_min_nsample[[7]]$sim_results$power, results_list_min_nsample[[8]]$sim_results$power),
  Emax = c(results_list_min_nsample[[9]]$sim_results$power, results_list_min_nsample[[10]]$sim_results$power, results_list_min_nsample[[11]]$sim_results$power, results_list_min_nsample[[12]]$sim_results$power),
  Average = c(sum(results_list_min_nsample[[1]]$sim_results$power, results_list_min_nsample[[5]]$sim_results$power, results_list_min_nsample[[9]]$sim_results$power)/3,
              sum(results_list_min_nsample[[2]]$sim_results$power, results_list_min_nsample[[6]]$sim_results$power, results_list_min_nsample[[10]]$sim_results$power)/3,
              sum(results_list_min_nsample[[3]]$sim_results$power, results_list_min_nsample[[7]]$sim_results$power, results_list_min_nsample[[11]]$sim_results$power)/3,
              sum(results_list_min_nsample[[4]]$sim_results$power, results_list_min_nsample[[8]]$sim_results$power, results_list_min_nsample[[12]]$sim_results$power)/3)

  kable_classic(full_width = TRUE)%>%
    add_header_above(c("Power results different sample sizes " = 5), font_size = 15, bold = TRUE)%>%
    add_header_above(c("Minimal scenario " = 5), font_size = 15, bold = TRUE)
Minimal scenario
Power results different sample sizes
N_sample Linear Exponential Emax Average
(40,20,20,20,40) 0.67 0.71 0.70 0.6933333
(30,30,30,30,30) 0.68 0.72 0.65 0.6833333
(48,24,24,24,48) 0.77 0.89 0.80 0.8200000
(36,36,36,36,36) 0.69 0.78 0.72 0.7300000

2.2 Monotonic scenario

2.2.1 varying expected effect for maximum dose

# assumed dose - response models
sim_models_monotonic_linear = list(linear = NA,
                  max_effect = c(0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5),
                  sd = rep(sd.sim, length(doses.sim)),
                  placebo_effect = plc.guess)

sim_models_monotonic_exp = list( exponential = 4.447149,
                  max_effect = c(0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5),
                  sd = rep(sd.sim, length(doses.sim)),
                  placebo_effect = plc.guess)

sim_models_monotonic_logistic = list(logistic = c(1.5, 0.2275598),
                  max_effect = c(0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5),
                  sd = rep(sd.sim, length(doses.sim)),
                  placebo_effect = plc.guess)

sim_models_monotonic_sigemax= list(sigemax =  c(1.528629, 4.087463),
                  max_effect = c(0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5),
                  sd = rep(sd.sim, length(doses.sim)),
                  placebo_effect = plc.guess)

sim_models_monotonic_emax= list(emax = 0.6666667,
                  max_effect = c(0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5),
                  sd = rep(sd.sim, length(doses.sim)),
                  placebo_effect = plc.guess)

# Simulation parameters
sim_parameters = list(n = Nsample, 
                      doses = doses.sim,
                      dropout_rate = 0.0, 
                      go_threshold = 0.1, 
                      nsims = n_sim)

# Initialize list to store results
results_list_monotonic <- list()

list_models <- list(sim_models_monotonic_linear, sim_models_monotonic_exp, sim_models_monotonic_emax, sim_models_monotonic_logistic, sim_models_monotonic_sigemax)
chunks <- chunkVector(seq_along(list_models), getDoParWorkers())

results_list_monotonic <- foreach(k = chunks, .combine = c) %dorng% {
  lapply(k, function (i) {
    func_sim(monotonic_modelsPack, list_models[[i]], sim_parameters) 

results_monotonic_MCP <- data.table(
  max_eff = c(0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5),
  linear = c(results_list_monotonic[[1]]$sim_results$power),
  exp = c(results_list_monotonic[[2]]$sim_results$power),
  emax = c(results_list_monotonic[[3]]$sim_results$power),
  logistic = c(results_list_monotonic[[4]]$sim_results$power),
  sigEmax = c(results_list_monotonic[[5]]$sim_results$power),
  Average = c((sum(results_list_monotonic[[1]]$sim_results$power[1], results_list_monotonic[[2]]$sim_results$power[1], results_list_monotonic[[3]]$sim_results$power[1], results_list_monotonic[[4]]$sim_results$power[1], results_list_monotonic[[5]]$sim_results$power[1])/5),
  (sum(results_list_monotonic[[1]]$sim_results$power[2], results_list_monotonic[[2]]$sim_results$power[2], results_list_monotonic[[3]]$sim_results$power[2], results_list_monotonic[[4]]$sim_results$power[2], results_list_monotonic[[5]]$sim_results$power[2])/5),
              (sum(results_list_monotonic[[1]]$sim_results$power[3], results_list_monotonic[[2]]$sim_results$power[3], results_list_monotonic[[3]]$sim_results$power[3], results_list_monotonic[[4]]$sim_results$power[3], results_list_monotonic[[5]]$sim_results$power[3])/5),
(sum(results_list_monotonic[[1]]$sim_results$power[4], results_list_monotonic[[2]]$sim_results$power[4], results_list_monotonic[[3]]$sim_results$power[4], results_list_monotonic[[4]]$sim_results$power[4], results_list_monotonic[[5]]$sim_results$power[4])/5),
(sum(results_list_monotonic[[1]]$sim_results$power[5], results_list_monotonic[[2]]$sim_results$power[5], results_list_monotonic[[3]]$sim_results$power[5], results_list_monotonic[[4]]$sim_results$power[5], results_list_monotonic[[5]]$sim_results$power[5])/5))

  kable_classic(full_width = TRUE)%>%
    add_header_above(c("Power results different expected effects " = 7), font_size = 15, bold = TRUE)%>%
    add_header_above(c("Monotonic scenario " = 7), font_size = 15, bold = TRUE)
Monotonic scenario
Power results different expected effects
max_eff linear exp emax logistic sigEmax Average
0.05 0.23 0.08 0.11 0.22 0.13 0.154
0.10 0.35 0.28 0.32 0.34 0.31 0.320
0.20 0.74 0.78 0.76 0.92 0.92 0.824
0.30 0.98 0.98 0.97 1.00 1.00 0.986
0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000

2.2.2 varying sample size

# assumed dose- response model with assumed maximum effect = 0.2
sim_models_monotonic_linear$max_effect <- expectedEffect_fix
sim_models_monotonic_exp$max_effect <- expectedEffect_fix
sim_models_monotonic_emax$max_effect <- expectedEffect_fix
sim_models_monotonic_logistic$max_effect <- expectedEffect_fix
sim_models_monotonic_sigemax$max_effect <- expectedEffect_fix

# store results
power_monotonic_nsample_linear <- vector()
power_monotonic_nsample_exp <- vector()
power_monotonic_nsample_emax <- vector()
power_monotonic_nsample_logistic <- vector()
power_monotonic_nsample_sigemax <- vector()

# Set max_effect to 0.2
monotonic_modelsPack$max_effect <- expectedEffect_fix
#list of different samole sizes
nsample_list = list(20*c(2,1,1,1,2),30*c(1,1,1,1,1), 24*c(2,1,1,1,2),36*c(1,1,1,1,1),
                    20*c(2,1,1,1,2),30*c(1,1,1,1,1), 24*c(2,1,1,1,2),36*c(1,1,1,1,1),
                    20*c(2,1,1,1,2),30*c(1,1,1,1,1), 24*c(2,1,1,1,2),36*c(1,1,1,1,1),
                    20*c(2,1,1,1,2),30*c(1,1,1,1,1), 24*c(2,1,1,1,2),36*c(1,1,1,1,1),
                    20*c(2,1,1,1,2),30*c(1,1,1,1,1), 24*c(2,1,1,1,2),36*c(1,1,1,1,1))

list_models <- list(sim_models_monotonic_linear, sim_models_monotonic_linear, sim_models_monotonic_linear, sim_models_monotonic_linear,
                    sim_models_monotonic_exp, sim_models_monotonic_exp, sim_models_monotonic_exp, sim_models_monotonic_exp,
                    sim_models_monotonic_emax, sim_models_monotonic_emax, sim_models_monotonic_emax, sim_models_monotonic_emax,
                    sim_models_monotonic_logistic, sim_models_monotonic_logistic, sim_models_monotonic_logistic, sim_models_monotonic_logistic,
                    sim_models_monotonic_sigemax, sim_models_monotonic_sigemax, sim_models_monotonic_sigemax, sim_models_monotonic_sigemax)

chunks <- chunkVector(seq_along(list_models), getDoParWorkers())

results_list_monotonic_nsample <- foreach(k = chunks, .combine = c, .export = c(as.character(monotonic_modelsPack), as.character(nsample_list)))  %dorng% {
  lapply(k, function (i) {
    sim_parameters = list(n = nsample_list[[i]], 
                      doses = doses.sim,
                      dropout_rate = 0.0, 
                      go_threshold = 0.1, 
                      nsims = n_sim)
    func_sim(monotonic_modelsPack, list_models[[i]], sim_parameters) 

# store results
results_monotonic_MCP_nsample <- data.table(
  N_sample = c("(40,20,20,20,40)","(30,30,30,30,30)", "(48,24,24,24,48)","(36,36,36,36,36)"),
  Linear = c(results_list_monotonic_nsample[[1]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[2]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[3]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[4]]$sim_results$power),
  Exponential = c(results_list_monotonic_nsample[[5]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[6]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[7]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[8]]$sim_results$power),
  Emax = c(results_list_monotonic_nsample[[9]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[10]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[11]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[12]]$sim_results$power),
  Logistic = c(results_list_monotonic_nsample[[13]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[14]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[15]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[16]]$sim_results$power),
  sigEmax = c(results_list_monotonic_nsample[[17]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[18]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[19]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[20]]$sim_results$power),
Average = c((sum(results_list_monotonic_nsample[[1]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[5]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[9]]$sim_results$power, ... =   results_list_monotonic_nsample[[13]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[17]]$sim_results$power)/5),
              (sum(results_list_monotonic_nsample[[2]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[6]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[10]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[14]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[18]]$sim_results$power)/5),
            (sum(results_list_monotonic_nsample[[3]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[7]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[11]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[15]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[19]]$sim_results$power)/5),
            (sum(results_list_monotonic_nsample[[4]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[8]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[12]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[16]]$sim_results$power, results_list_monotonic_nsample[[20]]$sim_results$power)/5)))

  kable_classic(full_width = TRUE)%>%
    add_header_above(c("Power results different sample sizes" = 7), font_size = 15, bold = TRUE)%>%
    add_header_above(c("Monotonic scenario" = 7), font_size = 15, bold = TRUE)
Monotonic scenario
Power results different sample sizes
N_sample Linear Exponential Emax Logistic sigEmax Average
(40,20,20,20,40) 0.73 0.74 0.80 0.81 0.76 0.768
(30,30,30,30,30) 0.57 0.66 0.57 0.84 0.71 0.670
(48,24,24,24,48) 0.76 0.79 0.83 0.91 0.89 0.836
(36,36,36,36,36) 0.58 0.71 0.74 0.90 0.80 0.746

2.3 Non-monotonic scenario

2.3.1 varying expected effect for maximum dose

For the simulations of the non-monotonic scenario, the R package ‘DoseFinding’ was used instead of ‘MCPModPack’. In particular the powMCT function was utilized to calculate success probabilities for the various scenarios.

# linear with DoseFinding package
mvt_control <- mvtnorm.control(maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001, releps = 0)
doses <- c(0,1,2,4,8)
allocation <- c(1,1,1,1,1)
alpha <- 0.05
addArgs <- list(off = 0.08, scal = 9.6)

resp_mod_list <- list(linear = NULL)
cand_mod_list <- list(linear = NULL, emax = 0.6666667, quadratic = -0.09688711, betaMod = rbind(c(1.396434, 1.040978)), sigEmax = rbind(c(1.528629, 4.087463)))
mods <-, append(cand_mod_list, 
        list(maxEff = 1, doses = doses, placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
cont_mat <- optContr(mods, w = allocation)

grd <- expand.grid(max_eff = c(0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5), sd = c(0.4), n_total = c(200))
power_list <- vector("list", nrow(grd))
dat_n <- t(sapply(grd$n_total, function(n) round(n*allocation/sum(allocation))))
colnames(dat_n) <- paste0("D", doses)
for (i in 1:nrow(grd)) {
  mods <-, append(resp_mod_list, list(maxEff = grd$max_eff[i], doses = doses,
  placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
  n <- dat_n[i, ]
  power_list[[i]] <- powMCT(cont_mat, alpha, mods, n, grd$sd[i], control = mvt_control)
power_df <-"rbind", power_list))
mu <- getResp(mods)
parList <- attr(mu, 'parList')
mod_nams <- DoseFinding:::getModNams(parList)
colnames(power_df) <- mod_nams
power_df[['mean power']] <- apply(power_df, 1, mean)
result <- cbind(grd, power_df, dat_n)
power_non_monotonic_linear <- result$linear
# emax with DoseFinding package
mvt_control <- mvtnorm.control(maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001, releps = 0)
doses <- c(0,1,2,4,8)
allocation <- c(1,1,1,1,1)
alpha <- 0.05
addArgs <- list(off = 0.08, scal = 9.6)

resp_mod_list <- list(emax = 0.6666667)
cand_mod_list <- list(linear = NULL, emax = 0.6666667, quadratic = -0.09688711, betaMod = rbind(c(1.396434, 1.040978)), sigEmax = rbind(c(1.528629, 4.087463)))
mods <-, append(cand_mod_list, 
        list(maxEff = 1, doses = doses, placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
cont_mat <- optContr(mods, w = allocation)

grd <- expand.grid(max_eff = c(0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5), sd = c(0.4), n_total = c(200))
power_list <- vector("list", nrow(grd))
dat_n <- t(sapply(grd$n_total, function(n) round(n*allocation/sum(allocation))))
colnames(dat_n) <- paste0("D", doses)
for (i in 1:nrow(grd)) {
  mods <-, append(resp_mod_list, list(maxEff = grd$max_eff[i], doses = doses,
  placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
  n <- dat_n[i, ]
  power_list[[i]] <- powMCT(cont_mat, alpha, mods, n, grd$sd[i], control = mvt_control)
power_df <-"rbind", power_list))
mu <- getResp(mods)
parList <- attr(mu, 'parList')
mod_nams <- DoseFinding:::getModNams(parList)
colnames(power_df) <- mod_nams
power_df[['mean power']] <- apply(power_df, 1, mean)
result <- cbind(grd, power_df, dat_n)
power_non_monotonic_emax <- result$`emax (ED50=0.6666667)`
# sigemax with DoseFinding package
mvt_control <- mvtnorm.control(maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001, releps = 0)
doses <- c(0,1,2,4,8)
allocation <- c(1,1,1,1,1)
alpha <- 0.05
addArgs <- list(off = 0.08, scal = 9.6)

resp_mod_list <- list(sigEmax = rbind(c(1.528629, 4.087463)))
cand_mod_list <- list(linear = NULL, emax = 0.6666667, quadratic = -0.09688711, betaMod = rbind(c(1.396434, 1.040978)), sigEmax = rbind(c(1.528629, 4.087463)))
mods <-, append(cand_mod_list, 
        list(maxEff = 1, doses = doses, placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
cont_mat <- optContr(mods, w = allocation)

grd <- expand.grid(max_eff = c(0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5), sd = c(0.4), n_total = c(200))
power_list <- vector("list", nrow(grd))
dat_n <- t(sapply(grd$n_total, function(n) round(n*allocation/sum(allocation))))
colnames(dat_n) <- paste0("D", doses)
for (i in 1:nrow(grd)) {
  mods <-, append(resp_mod_list, list(maxEff = grd$max_eff[i], doses = doses,
  placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
  n <- dat_n[i, ]
  power_list[[i]] <- powMCT(cont_mat, alpha, mods, n, grd$sd[i], control = mvt_control)
power_df <-"rbind", power_list))
mu <- getResp(mods)
parList <- attr(mu, 'parList')
mod_nams <- DoseFinding:::getModNams(parList)
colnames(power_df) <- mod_nams
power_df[['mean power']] <- apply(power_df, 1, mean)
result <- cbind(grd, power_df, dat_n)
power_non_monotonic_sigemax <- result$`sigEmax (ED50=1.528629,h=4.087463)`
#quadratic with DoseFinding package
mvt_control <- mvtnorm.control(maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001, releps = 0)
doses <- c(0,1,2,4,8)
allocation <- c(1,1,1,1,1)
alpha <- 0.05
addArgs <- list(off = 0.08, scal = 9.6)

resp_mod_list <- list(quadratic = -0.09688711)
cand_mod_list <- list(linear = NULL, emax = 0.6666667, quadratic = -0.09688711, betaMod = rbind(c(1.396434, 1.040978)), sigEmax = rbind(c(1.528629, 4.087463)))
mods <-, append(cand_mod_list, 
        list(maxEff = 1, doses = doses, placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
cont_mat <- optContr(mods, w = allocation)

grd <- expand.grid(max_eff = c(0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5), sd = c(0.4), n_total = c(200))
power_list <- vector("list", nrow(grd))
dat_n <- t(sapply(grd$n_total, function(n) round(n*allocation/sum(allocation))))
colnames(dat_n) <- paste0("D", doses)
for (i in 1:nrow(grd)) {
  mods <-, append(resp_mod_list, list(maxEff = grd$max_eff[i], doses = doses,
  placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
  n <- dat_n[i, ]
  power_list[[i]] <- powMCT(cont_mat, alpha, mods, n, grd$sd[i], control = mvt_control)
power_df <-"rbind", power_list))
mu <- getResp(mods)
parList <- attr(mu, 'parList')
mod_nams <- DoseFinding:::getModNams(parList)
colnames(power_df) <- mod_nams
power_df[['mean power']] <- apply(power_df, 1, mean)
result <- cbind(grd, power_df, dat_n)
power_non_monotonic_quadratic <- result$`quadratic (delta=-0.09688711)`
# beta with DoseFinding package
mvt_control <- mvtnorm.control(maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001, releps = 0)
doses <- c(0,1,2,4,8)
allocation <- c(1,1,1,1,1)
alpha <- 0.05
addArgs <- list(off = 0.08, scal = 9.6)

resp_mod_list <- list(betaMod = rbind(c(1.396434, 1.040978)))
cand_mod_list <- list(linear = NULL, emax = 0.6666667, quadratic = -0.09688711, betaMod = rbind(c(1.396434, 1.040978)), sigEmax = rbind(c(1.528629, 4.087463)))
mods <-, append(cand_mod_list, 
        list(maxEff = 1, doses = doses, placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
cont_mat <- optContr(mods, w = allocation)

grd <- expand.grid(max_eff = c(0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5), sd = c(0.4), n_total = c(200))
power_list <- vector("list", nrow(grd))
dat_n <- t(sapply(grd$n_total, function(n) round(n*allocation/sum(allocation))))
colnames(dat_n) <- paste0("D", doses)
for (i in 1:nrow(grd)) {
  mods <-, append(resp_mod_list, list(maxEff = grd$max_eff[i], doses = doses,
  placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
  n <- dat_n[i, ]
  power_list[[i]] <- powMCT(cont_mat, alpha, mods, n, grd$sd[i], control = mvt_control)
power_df <-"rbind", power_list))
mu <- getResp(mods)
parList <- attr(mu, 'parList')
mod_nams <- DoseFinding:::getModNams(parList)
colnames(power_df) <- mod_nams
power_df[['mean power']] <- apply(power_df, 1, mean)
result <- cbind(grd, power_df, dat_n)
power_non_monotonic_beta <- result$`betaMod (delta1=1.396434,delta2=1.040978,scal=9.6)`
#linear, emax, sigemax, quadratic
results_non_monotonic_MCP <- data.table(
  Max_eff = c(0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5),
  linear = power_non_monotonic_linear,
  emax = power_non_monotonic_emax,
  sigEmax = power_non_monotonic_sigemax,
  quadratic = power_non_monotonic_quadratic,
  beta = power_non_monotonic_beta,
  average = c((sum(power_non_monotonic_linear[1],power_non_monotonic_emax[1], power_non_monotonic_sigemax[1], power_non_monotonic_quadratic[1], power_non_monotonic_beta[1])/5),
    (sum(power_non_monotonic_linear[2],power_non_monotonic_emax[2], power_non_monotonic_sigemax[2], power_non_monotonic_quadratic[2], power_non_monotonic_beta[2])/5),
    (sum(power_non_monotonic_linear[3],power_non_monotonic_emax[3], power_non_monotonic_sigemax[3], power_non_monotonic_quadratic[3], power_non_monotonic_beta[3])/5),
    (sum(power_non_monotonic_linear[4],power_non_monotonic_emax[4], power_non_monotonic_sigemax[4], power_non_monotonic_quadratic[4], power_non_monotonic_beta[4])/5),
    (sum(power_non_monotonic_linear[5],power_non_monotonic_emax[5], power_non_monotonic_sigemax[5], power_non_monotonic_quadratic[5], power_non_monotonic_beta[5])/5))

  kable_classic(full_width = TRUE)%>%
    add_header_above(c("Power results different expected effects" = 7), font_size = 15, bold = TRUE)%>%
    add_header_above(c("Non-monotonic scenario" = 7), font_size = 15, bold = TRUE)
Non-monotonic scenario
Power results different expected effects
Max_eff linear emax sigEmax quadratic beta average
0.05 0.1361826 0.1438824 0.1720734 0.1306460 0.1272818 0.1420132
0.10 0.2985730 0.3174089 0.4040673 0.2768840 0.2649841 0.3123835
0.20 0.7408952 0.7645582 0.8819700 0.6924798 0.6605961 0.7480998
0.30 0.9677230 0.9740876 0.9957499 0.9464217 0.9301074 0.9628180
0.50 0.9999913 0.9999952 1.0000000 0.9999419 0.9998595 0.9999576

2.3.2 varying sample size

# store results
power_non_monotonic_nsample_linear <- vector()
power_non_monotonic_nsample_emax <- vector()
power_non_monotonic_nsample_quadratic <- vector()
power_non_monotonic_nsample_sigemax <- vector()
power_non_monotonic_nsample_beta <- vector()
# linear with DoseFinding
# allocation = c(1,1,1,1,1)
mvt_control <- mvtnorm.control(maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001, releps = 0)
doses <- c(0,1,2,4,8)
allocation <- c(1,1,1,1,1)
alpha <- 0.05
addArgs <- list(off = 0.08, scal = 9.6)

resp_mod_list <- list(linear = NULL)
cand_mod_list <- list(linear = NULL, emax = 0.6666667, quadratic = -0.09688711, betaMod = rbind(c(1.396434, 1.040978)), sigEmax = rbind(c(1.528629, 4.087463)))
mods <-, append(cand_mod_list, 
        list(maxEff = 1, doses = doses, placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
cont_mat <- optContr(mods, w = allocation)

grd <- expand.grid(max_eff = c(0.2), sd = c(0.4), n_total = c(150,180))
power_list <- vector("list", nrow(grd))
dat_n <- t(sapply(grd$n_total, function(n) round(n*allocation/sum(allocation))))
colnames(dat_n) <- paste0("D", doses)
for (i in 1:nrow(grd)) {
  mods <-, append(resp_mod_list, list(maxEff = grd$max_eff[i], doses = doses,
  placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
  n <- dat_n[i, ]
  power_list[[i]] <- powMCT(cont_mat, alpha, mods, n, grd$sd[i], control = mvt_control)
power_df <-"rbind", power_list))
mu <- getResp(mods)
parList <- attr(mu, 'parList')
mod_nams <- DoseFinding:::getModNams(parList)
colnames(power_df) <- mod_nams
power_df[['mean power']] <- apply(power_df, 1, mean)
result <- cbind(grd, power_df, dat_n)
power_non_monotonic_nsample_linear[2] <- result$linear[1]
power_non_monotonic_nsample_linear[4] <- result$linear[2]

# allocation = c(2,1,1,1,2)
mvt_control <- mvtnorm.control(maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001, releps = 0)
doses <- c(0,1,2,4,8)
allocation <- c(2,1,1,1,2)
alpha <- 0.05
addArgs <- list(off = 0.08, scal = 9.6)

resp_mod_list <- list(linear = NULL)
cand_mod_list <- list(linear = NULL, emax = 0.6666667, quadratic = -0.09688711, betaMod = rbind(c(1.396434, 1.040978)), sigEmax = rbind(c(1.528629, 4.087463)))
mods <-, append(cand_mod_list, 
        list(maxEff = 1, doses = doses, placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
cont_mat <- optContr(mods, w = allocation)

grd <- expand.grid(max_eff = c(0.2), sd = c(0.4), n_total = c(140,168))
power_list <- vector("list", nrow(grd))
dat_n <- t(sapply(grd$n_total, function(n) round(n*allocation/sum(allocation))))
colnames(dat_n) <- paste0("D", doses)
for (i in 1:nrow(grd)) {
  mods <-, append(resp_mod_list, list(maxEff = grd$max_eff[i], doses = doses,
  placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
  n <- dat_n[i, ]
  power_list[[i]] <- powMCT(cont_mat, alpha, mods, n, grd$sd[i], control = mvt_control)
power_df <-"rbind", power_list))
mu <- getResp(mods)
parList <- attr(mu, 'parList')
mod_nams <- DoseFinding:::getModNams(parList)
colnames(power_df) <- mod_nams
power_df[['mean power']] <- apply(power_df, 1, mean)
result <- cbind(grd, power_df, dat_n)
power_non_monotonic_nsample_linear[1] <- result$linear[1]
power_non_monotonic_nsample_linear[3] <- result$linear[2]
# emax with DoseFinding
#allocation = c(1,1,1,1,1)
mvt_control <- mvtnorm.control(maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001, releps = 0)
doses <- c(0,1,2,4,8)
allocation <- c(1,1,1,1,1)
alpha <- 0.05
addArgs <- list(off = 0.08, scal = 9.6)

resp_mod_list <- list(emax = 0.6666667)
cand_mod_list <- list(linear = NULL, emax = 0.6666667, quadratic = -0.09688711, betaMod = rbind(c(1.396434, 1.040978)), sigEmax = rbind(c(1.528629, 4.087463)))
mods <-, append(cand_mod_list, 
        list(maxEff = 1, doses = doses, placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
cont_mat <- optContr(mods, w = allocation)

grd <- expand.grid(max_eff = c(0.2), sd = c(0.4), n_total = c(150,180))
power_list <- vector("list", nrow(grd))
dat_n <- t(sapply(grd$n_total, function(n) round(n*allocation/sum(allocation))))
colnames(dat_n) <- paste0("D", doses)
for (i in 1:nrow(grd)) {
  mods <-, append(resp_mod_list, list(maxEff = grd$max_eff[i], doses = doses,
  placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
  n <- dat_n[i, ]
  power_list[[i]] <- powMCT(cont_mat, alpha, mods, n, grd$sd[i], control = mvt_control)
power_df <-"rbind", power_list))
mu <- getResp(mods)
parList <- attr(mu, 'parList')
mod_nams <- DoseFinding:::getModNams(parList)
colnames(power_df) <- mod_nams
power_df[['mean power']] <- apply(power_df, 1, mean)
result <- cbind(grd, power_df, dat_n)
power_non_monotonic_nsample_emax[2] <- result$`emax (ED50=0.6666667)`[1]
power_non_monotonic_nsample_emax[4] <- result$`emax (ED50=0.6666667)`[2]

# allocation = c(2,1,1,1,2)
mvt_control <- mvtnorm.control(maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001, releps = 0)
doses <- c(0,1,2,4,8)
allocation <- c(2,1,1,1,2)
alpha <- 0.05
addArgs <- list(off = 0.08, scal = 9.6)

resp_mod_list <- list(emax = 0.6666667)
cand_mod_list <- list(linear = NULL, emax = 0.6666667, quadratic = -0.09688711, betaMod = rbind(c(1.396434, 1.040978)), sigEmax = rbind(c(1.528629, 4.087463)))
mods <-, append(cand_mod_list, 
        list(maxEff = 1, doses = doses, placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
cont_mat <- optContr(mods, w = allocation)

grd <- expand.grid(max_eff = c(0.2), sd = c(0.4), n_total = c(140,168))
power_list <- vector("list", nrow(grd))
dat_n <- t(sapply(grd$n_total, function(n) round(n*allocation/sum(allocation))))
colnames(dat_n) <- paste0("D", doses)
for (i in 1:nrow(grd)) {
  mods <-, append(resp_mod_list, list(maxEff = grd$max_eff[i], doses = doses,
  placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
  n <- dat_n[i, ]
  power_list[[i]] <- powMCT(cont_mat, alpha, mods, n, grd$sd[i], control = mvt_control)
power_df <-"rbind", power_list))
mu <- getResp(mods)
parList <- attr(mu, 'parList')
mod_nams <- DoseFinding:::getModNams(parList)
colnames(power_df) <- mod_nams
power_df[['mean power']] <- apply(power_df, 1, mean)
result <- cbind(grd, power_df, dat_n)
power_non_monotonic_nsample_emax[1] <- result$`emax (ED50=0.6666667)`[1]
power_non_monotonic_nsample_emax[3] <- result$`emax (ED50=0.6666667)`[2]
# sigemax with DoseFinding
#allocation = c(1,1,1,1,1)
mvt_control <- mvtnorm.control(maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001, releps = 0)
doses <- c(0,1,2,4,8)
allocation <- c(1,1,1,1,1)
alpha <- 0.05
addArgs <- list(off = 0.08, scal = 9.6)

resp_mod_list <- list(sigEmax = rbind(c(1.528629, 4.087463)))
cand_mod_list <- list(linear = NULL, emax = 0.6666667, quadratic = -0.09688711, betaMod = rbind(c(1.396434, 1.040978)), sigEmax = rbind(c(1.528629, 4.087463)))
mods <-, append(cand_mod_list, 
        list(maxEff = 1, doses = doses, placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
cont_mat <- optContr(mods, w = allocation)

grd <- expand.grid(max_eff = c(0.2), sd = c(0.4), n_total = c(150,180))
power_list <- vector("list", nrow(grd))
dat_n <- t(sapply(grd$n_total, function(n) round(n*allocation/sum(allocation))))
colnames(dat_n) <- paste0("D", doses)
for (i in 1:nrow(grd)) {
  mods <-, append(resp_mod_list, list(maxEff = grd$max_eff[i], doses = doses,
  placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
  n <- dat_n[i, ]
  power_list[[i]] <- powMCT(cont_mat, alpha, mods, n, grd$sd[i], control = mvt_control)
power_df <-"rbind", power_list))
mu <- getResp(mods)
parList <- attr(mu, 'parList')
mod_nams <- DoseFinding:::getModNams(parList)
colnames(power_df) <- mod_nams
power_df[['mean power']] <- apply(power_df, 1, mean)
result <- cbind(grd, power_df, dat_n)
power_non_monotonic_nsample_sigemax[2] <- result$`sigEmax (ED50=1.528629,h=4.087463)`[1]
power_non_monotonic_nsample_sigemax[4] <- result$`sigEmax (ED50=1.528629,h=4.087463)`[2]

# allocation = c(2,1,1,1,2)
mvt_control <- mvtnorm.control(maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001, releps = 0)
doses <- c(0,1,2,4,8)
allocation <- c(2,1,1,1,2)
alpha <- 0.05
addArgs <- list(off = 0.08, scal = 9.6)

resp_mod_list <- list(sigEmax = rbind(c(1.528629, 4.087463)))
cand_mod_list <- list(linear = NULL, emax = 0.6666667, quadratic = -0.09688711, betaMod = rbind(c(1.396434, 1.040978)), sigEmax = rbind(c(1.528629, 4.087463)))
mods <-, append(cand_mod_list, 
        list(maxEff = 1, doses = doses, placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
cont_mat <- optContr(mods, w = allocation)

grd <- expand.grid(max_eff = c(0.2), sd = c(0.4), n_total = c(140,168))
power_list <- vector("list", nrow(grd))
dat_n <- t(sapply(grd$n_total, function(n) round(n*allocation/sum(allocation))))
colnames(dat_n) <- paste0("D", doses)
for (i in 1:nrow(grd)) {
  mods <-, append(resp_mod_list, list(maxEff = grd$max_eff[i], doses = doses,
  placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
  n <- dat_n[i, ]
  power_list[[i]] <- powMCT(cont_mat, alpha, mods, n, grd$sd[i], control = mvt_control)
power_df <-"rbind", power_list))
mu <- getResp(mods)
parList <- attr(mu, 'parList')
mod_nams <- DoseFinding:::getModNams(parList)
colnames(power_df) <- mod_nams
power_df[['mean power']] <- apply(power_df, 1, mean)
result <- cbind(grd, power_df, dat_n)
power_non_monotonic_nsample_sigemax[1] <- result$`sigEmax (ED50=1.528629,h=4.087463)`[1]
power_non_monotonic_nsample_sigemax[3] <- result$`sigEmax (ED50=1.528629,h=4.087463)`[2]
# quadratic with DoseFinding
#allocation = c(1,1,1,1,1)
mvt_control <- mvtnorm.control(maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001, releps = 0)
doses <- c(0,1,2,4,8)
allocation <- c(1,1,1,1,1)
alpha <- 0.05
addArgs <- list(off = 0.08, scal = 9.6)

resp_mod_list <- list(quadratic = -0.09688711)
cand_mod_list <- list(linear = NULL, emax = 0.6666667, quadratic = -0.09688711, betaMod = rbind(c(1.396434, 1.040978)), sigEmax = rbind(c(1.528629, 4.087463)))
mods <-, append(cand_mod_list, 
        list(maxEff = 1, doses = doses, placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
cont_mat <- optContr(mods, w = allocation)

grd <- expand.grid(max_eff = c(0.2), sd = c(0.4), n_total = c(150,180))
power_list <- vector("list", nrow(grd))
dat_n <- t(sapply(grd$n_total, function(n) round(n*allocation/sum(allocation))))
colnames(dat_n) <- paste0("D", doses)
for (i in 1:nrow(grd)) {
  mods <-, append(resp_mod_list, list(maxEff = grd$max_eff[i], doses = doses,
  placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
  n <- dat_n[i, ]
  power_list[[i]] <- powMCT(cont_mat, alpha, mods, n, grd$sd[i], control = mvt_control)
power_df <-"rbind", power_list))
mu <- getResp(mods)
parList <- attr(mu, 'parList')
mod_nams <- DoseFinding:::getModNams(parList)
colnames(power_df) <- mod_nams
power_df[['mean power']] <- apply(power_df, 1, mean)
result <- cbind(grd, power_df, dat_n)
power_non_monotonic_nsample_quadratic[2] <- result$`quadratic (delta=-0.09688711)`[1]
power_non_monotonic_nsample_quadratic[4] <- result$`quadratic (delta=-0.09688711)`[2]

# allocation = c(2,1,1,1,2)
mvt_control <- mvtnorm.control(maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001, releps = 0)
doses <- c(0,1,2,4,8)
allocation <- c(2,1,1,1,2)
alpha <- 0.05
addArgs <- list(off = 0.08, scal = 9.6)

resp_mod_list <- list(quadratic = -0.09688711)
cand_mod_list <- list(linear = NULL, emax = 0.6666667, quadratic = -0.09688711, betaMod = rbind(c(1.396434, 1.040978)), sigEmax = rbind(c(1.528629, 4.087463)))
mods <-, append(cand_mod_list, 
        list(maxEff = 1, doses = doses, placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
cont_mat <- optContr(mods, w = allocation)

grd <- expand.grid(max_eff = c(0.2), sd = c(0.4), n_total = c(140,168))
power_list <- vector("list", nrow(grd))
dat_n <- t(sapply(grd$n_total, function(n) round(n*allocation/sum(allocation))))
colnames(dat_n) <- paste0("D", doses)
for (i in 1:nrow(grd)) {
  mods <-, append(resp_mod_list, list(maxEff = grd$max_eff[i], doses = doses,
  placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
  n <- dat_n[i, ]
  power_list[[i]] <- powMCT(cont_mat, alpha, mods, n, grd$sd[i], control = mvt_control)
power_df <-"rbind", power_list))
mu <- getResp(mods)
parList <- attr(mu, 'parList')
mod_nams <- DoseFinding:::getModNams(parList)
colnames(power_df) <- mod_nams
power_df[['mean power']] <- apply(power_df, 1, mean)
result <- cbind(grd, power_df, dat_n)
power_non_monotonic_nsample_quadratic[1] <- result$`quadratic (delta=-0.09688711)`[1]
power_non_monotonic_nsample_quadratic[3] <- result$`quadratic (delta=-0.09688711)`[2]
# beta with DoseFinding
#allocation = c(1,1,1,1,1)
mvt_control <- mvtnorm.control(maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001, releps = 0)
doses <- c(0,1,2,4,8)
allocation <- c(1,1,1,1,1)
alpha <- 0.05
addArgs <- list(off = 0.08, scal = 9.6)

resp_mod_list <- list(betaMod = rbind(c(1.396434, 1.040978)))
cand_mod_list <- list(linear = NULL, emax = 0.6666667, quadratic = -0.09688711, betaMod = rbind(c(1.396434, 1.040978)), sigEmax = rbind(c(1.528629, 4.087463)))
mods <-, append(cand_mod_list, 
        list(maxEff = 1, doses = doses, placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
cont_mat <- optContr(mods, w = allocation)

grd <- expand.grid(max_eff = c(0.2), sd = c(0.4), n_total = c(150,180))
power_list <- vector("list", nrow(grd))
dat_n <- t(sapply(grd$n_total, function(n) round(n*allocation/sum(allocation))))
colnames(dat_n) <- paste0("D", doses)
for (i in 1:nrow(grd)) {
  mods <-, append(resp_mod_list, list(maxEff = grd$max_eff[i], doses = doses,
  placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
  n <- dat_n[i, ]
  power_list[[i]] <- powMCT(cont_mat, alpha, mods, n, grd$sd[i], control = mvt_control)
power_df <-"rbind", power_list))
mu <- getResp(mods)
parList <- attr(mu, 'parList')
mod_nams <- DoseFinding:::getModNams(parList)
colnames(power_df) <- mod_nams
power_df[['mean power']] <- apply(power_df, 1, mean)
result <- cbind(grd, power_df, dat_n)
power_non_monotonic_nsample_beta[2] <- result$`betaMod (delta1=1.396434,delta2=1.040978,scal=9.6)`[1]
power_non_monotonic_nsample_beta[4] <- result$`betaMod (delta1=1.396434,delta2=1.040978,scal=9.6)`[2]

# allocation = c(2,1,1,1,2)
mvt_control <- mvtnorm.control(maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001, releps = 0)
doses <- c(0,1,2,4,8)
allocation <- c(2,1,1,1,2)
alpha <- 0.05
addArgs <- list(off = 0.08, scal = 9.6)

resp_mod_list <- list(betaMod = rbind(c(1.396434, 1.040978)))
cand_mod_list <- list(linear = NULL, emax = 0.6666667, quadratic = -0.09688711, betaMod = rbind(c(1.396434, 1.040978)), sigEmax = rbind(c(1.528629, 4.087463)))
mods <-, append(cand_mod_list, 
        list(maxEff = 1, doses = doses, placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
cont_mat <- optContr(mods, w = allocation)

grd <- expand.grid(max_eff = c(0.2), sd = c(0.4), n_total = c(140,168))
power_list <- vector("list", nrow(grd))
dat_n <- t(sapply(grd$n_total, function(n) round(n*allocation/sum(allocation))))
colnames(dat_n) <- paste0("D", doses)
for (i in 1:nrow(grd)) {
  mods <-, append(resp_mod_list, list(maxEff = grd$max_eff[i], doses = doses,
  placEff = 0, addArgs = addArgs)))
  n <- dat_n[i, ]
  power_list[[i]] <- powMCT(cont_mat, alpha, mods, n, grd$sd[i], control = mvt_control)
power_df <-"rbind", power_list))
mu <- getResp(mods)
parList <- attr(mu, 'parList')
mod_nams <- DoseFinding:::getModNams(parList)
colnames(power_df) <- mod_nams
power_df[['mean power']] <- apply(power_df, 1, mean)
result <- cbind(grd, power_df, dat_n)
power_non_monotonic_nsample_beta[1] <- result$`betaMod (delta1=1.396434,delta2=1.040978,scal=9.6)`[1]
power_non_monotonic_nsample_beta[3] <- result$`betaMod (delta1=1.396434,delta2=1.040978,scal=9.6)`[2]
#store results
results_non_monotonic_MCP_nsample <- data.table(
  N_sample = c("(40,20,20,20,40)","(30,30,30,30,30)", "(48,24,24,24,48)","(36,36,36,36,36)"),
  Linear = power_non_monotonic_nsample_linear,
  Emax = power_non_monotonic_nsample_emax,
  sigEmax = power_non_monotonic_nsample_sigemax,
  quadratic = power_non_monotonic_nsample_quadratic,
  beta = power_non_monotonic_nsample_beta

  kable_classic(full_width = TRUE)%>%
    add_header_above(c("Power results different sample sizes" = 6), font_size = 15, bold = TRUE)%>%
    add_header_above(c("Non-monotonic scenario" = 6), font_size = 15, bold = TRUE)
Non-monotonic scenario
Power results different sample sizes
N_sample Linear Emax sigEmax quadratic beta
(40,20,20,20,40) 0.7182897 0.7452513 0.8118555 0.5991157 0.5492169
(30,30,30,30,30) 0.6265819 0.6539679 0.7872977 0.5801699 0.5521925
(48,24,24,24,48) 0.7869752 0.8122048 0.8716953 0.6689755 0.6177505
(36,36,36,36,36) 0.6994504 0.7248996 0.8504362 0.6509720 0.6195153

2.4 Variability scenario

2.4.1 varying expected effect for maximum dose

# assumed dose - response model
sim_models_var_linear = list(linear = NA,
                  max_effect = c(0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5),
                  sd = rep(sd.sim_var, length(doses_var)),
                  placebo_effect = plc.guess)

sim_models_var_exp = list( exponential = 4.447149,
                  max_effect = c(0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5),
                  sd = rep(sd.sim_var, length(doses_var)),
                  placebo_effect = plc.guess)

sim_models_var_emax = list(emax = 0.6666667,
                  max_effect = c(0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5),
                  sd = rep(sd.sim_var, length(doses_var)),
                  placebo_effect = plc.guess)

# Simulation parameters
sim_parameters_var = list(n = Nsample_var, 
                      doses = doses_var,
                      dropout_rate = 0.0, 
                      go_threshold = 0.1, 
                      nsims = n_sim)

# perform Simulations

list_models <- list(sim_models_var_linear, sim_models_var_exp, sim_models_var_emax)
chunks <- chunkVector(seq_along(list_models), getDoParWorkers())

results_list_var <- foreach(k = chunks, .combine = c) %dorng% {
  lapply(k, function (i) {
    func_sim(var_modelsPack, list_models[[i]], sim_parameters_var) 

# store results
results_var_MCP <- data.table(
  Max_eff = c(0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5),
  linear = results_list_var[[1]]$sim_results$power,
  exponential = results_list_var[[2]]$sim_results$power,
  emax = results_list_var[[3]]$sim_results$power,
  average = c((sum(results_list_var[[1]]$sim_results$power[1], results_list_var[[2]]$sim_results$power[1],results_list_var[[3]]$sim_results$power[1])/3),
              (sum(results_list_var[[1]]$sim_results$power[2], results_list_var[[2]]$sim_results$power[2],results_list_var[[3]]$sim_results$power[2])/3),
              (sum(results_list_var[[1]]$sim_results$power[3], results_list_var[[2]]$sim_results$power[3],results_list_var[[3]]$sim_results$power[3])/3),
              (sum(results_list_var[[1]]$sim_results$power[4], results_list_var[[2]]$sim_results$power[4],results_list_var[[3]]$sim_results$power[4])/3),
              (sum(results_list_var[[1]]$sim_results$power[5], results_list_var[[2]]$sim_results$power[5],results_list_var[[3]]$sim_results$power[5])/3))

  kable_classic(full_width = TRUE)%>%
    add_header_above(c("Power results different expected effects" = 5), font_size = 15, bold = TRUE)%>%
    add_header_above(c("Variability scenario" = 5), font_size = 15, bold = TRUE)
Variability scenario
Power results different expected effects
Max_eff linear exponential emax average
0.05 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.1200000
0.10 0.19 0.28 0.20 0.2233333
0.20 0.60 0.65 0.52 0.5900000
0.30 0.82 0.87 0.84 0.8433333
0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0000000

2.4.2 varying sample size

# assume maximum effect = 0.2
sim_models_var_linear$max_effect <- expectedEffect_fix
sim_models_var_exp$max_effect <- expectedEffect_fix
sim_models_var_emax$max_effect <- expectedEffect_fix

# store results
power_var_nsample_linear <- vector()
power_var_nsample_exp <- vector()
power_var_nsample_emax <- vector()

# # Loop over nsample values
# for (i in seq_along(nsample_list_var)) {
#   # Update nsample in simulation parameters
#   sim_parameters_var$n <- nsample_list_var[[i]]
#   # power values for different assumed true models
#   power_nsample_linear <- func_sim(var_modelsPack, sim_models_var_linear, sim_parameters_var)
#   power_var_nsample_linear[i] <- power_nsample_linear$sim_results$power
#   power_nsample_exp <- func_sim(var_modelsPack, sim_models_var_exp, sim_parameters_var)
#   power_var_nsample_exp[i] <- power_nsample_exp$sim_results$power
#   power_nsample_emax <- func_sim(var_modelsPack, sim_models_var_emax, sim_parameters_var)
#   power_var_nsample_emax[i] <-power_nsample_emax$sim_results$power
# }

var_modelsPack$max_effect <- expectedEffect_fix
#list of different samole sizes
nsample_list_var = list(20*c(2,1,1,2),30*c(1,1,1,1), 24*c(2,1,1,2),36*c(1,1,1,1),
                    20*c(2,1,1,2),30*c(1,1,1,1), 24*c(2,1,1,2),36*c(1,1,1,1),
                    20*c(2,1,1,2),30*c(1,1,1,1), 24*c(2,1,1,2),36*c(1,1,1,1))

list_models <- list(sim_models_var_linear, sim_models_var_linear, sim_models_var_linear, sim_models_var_linear, 
                    sim_models_var_exp, sim_models_var_exp, sim_models_var_exp, sim_models_var_exp, 
                    sim_models_var_emax, sim_models_var_emax, sim_models_var_emax, sim_models_var_emax)

chunks <- chunkVector(seq_along(list_models), getDoParWorkers())

results_list_var_nsample <- foreach(k = chunks, .combine = c, .export = c(as.character(var_modelsPack), as.character(nsample_list)))  %dorng% {
  lapply(k, function (i) {
    sim_parameters = list(n = nsample_list_var[[i]], 
                      doses = doses_var,
                      dropout_rate = 0.0, 
                      go_threshold = 0.1, 
                      nsims = n_sim)
    func_sim(var_modelsPack, list_models[[i]], sim_parameters) 

results_var_MCP_nsample <- data.table(
  N_sample = c("(40,20,20,20,40)","(30,30,30,30,30)", "(48,24,24,24,48)","(36,36,36,36,36)"),
  Linear = c(results_list_var_nsample[[1]]$sim_results$power, results_list_var_nsample[[2]]$sim_results$power, results_list_var_nsample[[3]]$sim_results$power, results_list_var_nsample[[4]]$sim_results$power),
  Exponential =c(results_list_var_nsample[[5]]$sim_results$power, results_list_var_nsample[[6]]$sim_results$power, results_list_var_nsample[[7]]$sim_results$power, results_list_var_nsample[[8]]$sim_results$power),
  Emax = c(results_list_var_nsample[[9]]$sim_results$power, results_list_var_nsample[[10]]$sim_results$power, results_list_var_nsample[[11]]$sim_results$power, results_list_var_nsample[[12]]$sim_results$power),
  Average = c((sum(results_list_var_nsample[[1]]$sim_results$power, results_list_var_nsample[[5]]$sim_results$power, results_list_var_nsample[[9]]$sim_results$power)/3),
              (sum(results_list_var_nsample[[2]]$sim_results$power, results_list_var_nsample[[6]]$sim_results$power, results_list_var_nsample[[10]]$sim_results$power)/3),
              (sum(results_list_var_nsample[[3]]$sim_results$power, results_list_var_nsample[[7]]$sim_results$power, results_list_var_nsample[[11]]$sim_results$power)/3),
              (sum(results_list_var_nsample[[4]]$sim_results$power, results_list_var_nsample[[8]]$sim_results$power, results_list_var_nsample[[12]]$sim_results$power)/3))

  kable_classic(full_width = TRUE)%>%
    add_header_above(c("Power results different sample sizes" = 5), font_size = 15, bold = TRUE)%>%
    add_header_above(c("Variability scenario" = 5), font_size = 15, bold = TRUE)
Variability scenario
Power results different sample sizes
N_sample Linear Exponential Emax Average
(40,20,20,20,40) 0.83 0.71 0.69 0.7433333
(30,30,30,30,30) 0.64 0.62 0.68 0.6466667
(48,24,24,24,48) 0.81 0.76 0.85 0.8066667
(36,36,36,36,36) 0.76 0.60 0.62 0.6600000

3 BayesianMCPMod

Following simulations will be conducted utilizing the ‘BayesianMCPMod’ package using the same scenarios as for the frequentist evaluations.

4 Prior Specification

In a first step an uninformative prior is specified.

uninf_prior_list <- list(
                   Ctrl = RBesT::mixnorm(comp1 = c(w = 1, m = 0, n = 1), sigma = sd.sim, param = "mn"),
                   DG_1 = RBesT::mixnorm(comp1 = c(w = 1, m = 0, n = 1), sigma = sd.sim, param = "mn"),
                   DG_2 = RBesT::mixnorm(comp1 = c(w = 1, m = 0, n = 1), sigma = sd.sim, param = "mn"),
                   DG_3 = RBesT::mixnorm(comp1 = c(w = 1, m = 0, n = 1), sigma = sd.sim, param = "mn"),
                   DG_4 = RBesT::mixnorm(comp1 = c(w = 1, m = 0, n = 1), sigma = sd.sim, param = "mn")

To calculate success probabilities for the different assumed dose-response models and the specified trial design we will apply the assessDesign function.

4.1 Minimal scenario

4.1.1 varying expected effect for maximum dose

# list to store results
results_list_Bay_min <- list()

list_max_eff <- as.list(c(0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5))
chunks <- chunkVector(seq_along(list_max_eff), getDoParWorkers())

results_list_Bay_min <- foreach(k = chunks, .combine = c) %dorng% {
  lapply(k, function (i) {
     min_models <- Mods(linear=NULL, 
                     exponential = exp.g,
                     emax = emax.g,
                     doses = doses.sim,
                     placEff = plc.guess, 
                     maxEff = list_max_eff[[i]],
                     direction = "increasing")
  #optimal contrasts
contM <- getContr(mods = min_models, 
                    dose_levels = doses.sim, 
                    prior_list = uninf_prior_list, 
                    dose_weights = c(1,1,1,1,1))

 # Simulation step
  success_probabilities_min <- assessDesign(
    n_patients  = Nsample,
    mods        = min_models,
    prior_list  = uninf_prior_list,
    sd          = sd.sim,
    n_sim       = n_sim,
    alpha_crit_val = alpha, 
    contr = contM) 
results_min_Bay <- extract_success_rates(results_list_Bay_min, min_scenario)

minimal_Bay <- print_result_Bay_max_eff(results_min_Bay, c(min_scenario, "average"), expectedEffect)

Power results different expected effects
variable linear exponential emax average
0.05 0.09 0.09 0.05 0.0766667
0.10 0.28 0.26 0.30 0.2800000
0.20 0.80 0.81 0.78 0.7966667
0.30 0.97 0.97 0.99 0.9766667
0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0000000

4.1.2 varying sample size

# Define the list of sample sizes
nsample_list = list(20*c(2,1,1,1,2),30*c(1,1,1,1,1), 24*c(2,1,1,1,2),36*c(1,1,1,1,1))

#optimal contrasts
#allocation c(1,1,1,1,1)
contM <- getContr(mods = min_models, 
                  dose_levels = doses.sim, 
                  prior_list = uninf_prior_list, 
                  dose_weights = c(1,1,1,1,1))

#allocation c(2,1,1,1,2)
contM_2 <- getContr(mods = min_models, 
                  dose_levels = doses.sim, 
                  prior_list = uninf_prior_list, 
                  dose_weights = c(2,1,1,1,2))
contrasts_list = list(contM_2, contM, contM_2, contM)

# Initialize list to store results
results_list_nsample_min_Bay <- list()

#Models with maxEff = 0.2
min_models <- Mods(linear=NULL, 
                     exponential = exp.g,
                     emax = emax.g,
                     doses = doses.sim,
                     placEff = plc.guess, 
                     maxEff = expectedEffect_fix,
                     direction = "increasing")

chunks <- chunkVector(seq_along(nsample_list), getDoParWorkers())
results_list_nsample_min_Bay <- foreach(k = chunks, .combine = c, .export = c(as.character(min_models), as.character(contrasts_list)))  %dorng% {
  lapply(k, function (i) {
      success_probabilities_min <- assessDesign(
    n_patients  = nsample_list[[i]],
    mods        = min_models,
    prior_list  = uninf_prior_list,
    sd          = sd.sim,
    n_sim       = n_sim,
    alpha_crit_val = alpha, 
    contr = contrasts_list[[i]])

results_min_Bay_nsample <- extract_success_rates_nsample(results_list_nsample_min_Bay, min_scenario)
minimal_nsample_Bay <- print_result_Bay_nsample(results_min_Bay_nsample, c(min_scenario, "average"), nsample_vector)
Success probability results different sample sizes
variable linear exponential emax average
(40,20,20,20,40) 0.67 0.73 0.67 0.6900000
(30,30,30,30,30) 0.66 0.64 0.66 0.6533333
(48,24,24,24,48) 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.8100000
(36,36,36,36,36) 0.67 0.70 0.73 0.7000000

4.2 Monotonic scenario

4.2.1 varying expected effect for maximum dose

results_list_Bay_monotonic <- list()

list_max_eff <- as.list(c(0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5))
chunks <- chunkVector(seq_along(list_max_eff), getDoParWorkers())

results_list_Bay_monotonic <- foreach(k = chunks, .combine = c) %dorng% {
  lapply(k, function (i) {
    monotonic_models <- Mods(linear=NULL, 
                         exponential = exp.g,
                         emax = emax.g,
                         sigEmax = sigEmax.g,
                         doses = doses.sim,
                         placEff = plc.guess, 
                         maxEff = list_max_eff[[i]],
                         direction = "increasing")
  # optimal contrasts
  contM <- getContr(mods = monotonic_models, 
                    dose_levels = doses.sim, 
                    prior_list = uninf_prior_list, 
                    dose_weights = c(1,1,1,1,1))
  # perform Simulations
  success_probabilities_monotonic <- assessDesign(
    n_patients  = Nsample,
    mods        = monotonic_models,
    prior_list  = uninf_prior_list,
    sd          = sd.sim,
    n_sim       = n_sim,
    alpha_crit_val = alpha, 
    contr = contM)


##power results in vector for tables
results_monotonic_Bay <- extract_success_rates(results_list_Bay_monotonic, monotonic_scenario)

monotonic_Bay <- print_result_Bay_max_eff(results_monotonic_Bay, c(monotonic_scenario, "average"), expectedEffect)

Power results different expected effects
variable linear exponential emax logistic sigEmax average
0.05 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.15 0.152
0.10 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.37 0.35 0.330
0.20 0.78 0.79 0.79 0.91 0.87 0.828
0.30 0.99 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.992
0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000

4.2.2 varying sample size

# Initialize list to store results
results_list_nsample_monotonic_Bay <- list()

# dose - response models
monotonic_models <- Mods(linear=NULL, 
                         exponential = exp.g,
                         emax = emax.g,
                         sigEmax = sigEmax.g,
                         doses = doses.sim,
                         placEff = plc.guess, 
                         maxEff = expectedEffect_fix,
                         direction = "increasing")
#optimal contrasts
#allocation c(1,1,1,1,1)
contM <- getContr(mods = monotonic_models, 
                  dose_levels = doses.sim, 
                  prior_list = uninf_prior_list, 
                  dose_weights = c(1,1,1,1,1))

#allocation c(2,1,1,1,2)
contM_2 <- getContr(mods = monotonic_models, 
                  dose_levels = doses.sim, 
                  prior_list = uninf_prior_list, 
                  dose_weights = c(2,1,1,1,2))
contrasts_list = list(contM_2, contM, contM_2, contM)

chunks <- chunkVector(seq_along(nsample_list), getDoParWorkers())
results_list_nsample_monotonic_Bay <- foreach(k = chunks, .combine = c, .export = c(as.character(monotonic_models), as.character(contrasts_list)))  %dorng% {
  lapply(k, function (i) {
    success_probabilities_monotonic <- assessDesign(
    n_patients  = nsample_list[[i]],
    mods        = monotonic_models,
    prior_list  = uninf_prior_list,
    sd          = sd.sim,
    n_sim       = n_sim,
    alpha_crit_val = alpha,
    contr = contrasts_list[[i]])

results_monotonic_Bay_nsample <- extract_success_rates_nsample(results_list_nsample_monotonic_Bay, monotonic_scenario)

monotonic_nsample_Bay <- print_result_Bay_nsample(results_monotonic_Bay_nsample, c(monotonic_scenario, "average"), nsample_vector)
Success probability results different sample sizes
variable linear exponential emax logistic sigEmax average
(40,20,20,20,40) 0.80 0.80 0.77 0.88 0.84 0.818
(30,30,30,30,30) 0.65 0.70 0.63 0.79 0.75 0.704
(48,24,24,24,48) 0.84 0.85 0.78 0.87 0.86 0.840
(36,36,36,36,36) 0.77 0.76 0.74 0.91 0.85 0.806

4.3 Non-monotonic scenario

4.3.1 varying expected effect for maximum dose

results_list_Bay_non_monotonic <- list()

list_max_eff <- as.list(c(0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5))
chunks <- chunkVector(seq_along(list_max_eff), getDoParWorkers())

results_list_Bay_non_monotonic <- foreach(k = chunks, .combine = c) %dorng% {
  lapply(k, function (i) {
     non_monotonic_models <- Mods(linear=NULL, 
                               emax = emax.g,
                               sigEmax = sigEmax.g,
                               quadratic = quad.g,
                               betaMod = beta.g,
                               doses = doses.sim,
                               placEff = plc.guess,
                               maxEff = list_max_eff[[i]],
                               direction = "increasing",
                               addArgs = list(scal=9.6))

  #optimal contrasts
  contM <- getContr(mods = non_monotonic_models,
                    dose_levels = doses.sim,
                    prior_list = uninf_prior_list,
                    dose_weights = c(1,1,1,1,1))

  success_probabilities_non_monotonic <- assessDesign(
    n_patients  = Nsample,
    mods        = non_monotonic_models,
    prior_list  = uninf_prior_list,
    sd          = sd.sim,
    n_sim       = n_sim,
    alpha_crit_val = alpha,
    contr = contM)

results_non_monotonic_Bay <- extract_success_rates(results_list_Bay_non_monotonic, non_monotonic_scenario)

non_monotonic_Bay <- print_result_Bay_max_eff(results_non_monotonic_Bay, c(non_monotonic_scenario, "average"), expectedEffect)
Power results different expected effects
variable linear emax sigEmax quadratic betaMod average
0.05 0.10 0.09 0.12 0.09 0.09 0.098
0.10 0.27 0.32 0.41 0.28 0.27 0.310
0.20 0.75 0.79 0.87 0.70 0.66 0.754
0.30 0.96 0.95 1.00 0.91 0.90 0.944
0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000

4.3.2 varying sample size

# Initialize list to store results
results_list_nsample_non_monotonic_Bay <- list()

non_monotonic_models <- Mods(linear=NULL, 
                             emax = emax.g,
                             sigEmax = sigEmax.g,
                             quadratic = quad.g,
                             betaMod = beta.g,
                             doses = doses.sim,
                             placEff = plc.guess, 
                             maxEff = expectedEffect_fix,
                             direction = "increasing",
                             addArgs = list(scal=9.6))
  #optimal contrasts
contM <- getContr(mods = non_monotonic_models, 
                  dose_levels = doses.sim, 
                  prior_list = uninf_prior_list, 
                  dose_weights = c(1,1,1,1,1))

contM_2 <- getContr(mods = non_monotonic_models, 
                  dose_levels = doses.sim, 
                  prior_list = uninf_prior_list, 
                  dose_weights = c(2,1,1,1,2))

contrasts_list = list(contM_2, contM, contM_2, contM)

chunks <- chunkVector(seq_along(nsample_list), getDoParWorkers())
results_list_nsample_non_monotonic_Bay <- foreach(k = chunks, .combine = c, .export = c(as.character(non_monotonic_models), as.character(contrasts_list)))  %dorng% {
  lapply(k, function (i) {
    success_probabilities_non_monotonic <- assessDesign(
    n_patients  = nsample_list[[i]],
    mods        = non_monotonic_models,
    prior_list  = uninf_prior_list,
    sd          = sd.sim,
    n_sim       = n_sim,
    alpha_crit_val = alpha,
    contr = contrasts_list[[i]])

results_non_monotonic_Bay_nsample <- extract_success_rates_nsample(results_list_nsample_non_monotonic_Bay, non_monotonic_scenario)

non_monotonic_nsample_Bay <- print_result_Bay_nsample(results_non_monotonic_Bay_nsample, c(non_monotonic_scenario, "average"), nsample_vector)
Success probability results different sample sizes
variable linear emax sigEmax quadratic betaMod average
(40,20,20,20,40) 0.73 0.76 0.81 0.58 0.50 0.676
(30,30,30,30,30) 0.63 0.64 0.77 0.52 0.49 0.610
(48,24,24,24,48) 0.74 0.75 0.83 0.65 0.59 0.712
(36,36,36,36,36) 0.67 0.67 0.78 0.59 0.56 0.654

4.4 Variability scenario

4.4.1 varying expected effect for maximum dose

# prior 
var_uninf_prior_list <- list(
                   Ctrl = RBesT::mixnorm(comp1 = c(w = 1, m = 0, n = 1), sigma = sd.sim_var, param = "mn"),
                   DG_1 = RBesT::mixnorm(comp1 = c(w = 1, m = 0, n = 1), sigma = sd.sim_var, param = "mn"),
                   DG_2 = RBesT::mixnorm(comp1 = c(w = 1, m = 0, n = 1), sigma = sd.sim_var, param = "mn"),
                   DG_3 = RBesT::mixnorm(comp1 = c(w = 1, m = 0, n = 1), sigma = sd.sim_var, param = "mn"))

results_list_Bay_var <- list()

list_max_eff <- as.list(c(0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5))
chunks <- chunkVector(seq_along(list_max_eff), getDoParWorkers())

results_list_Bay_var <- foreach(k = chunks, .combine = c) %dorng% {
  lapply(k, function (i) {
      var_models <- Mods(linear = NULL, 
                     exponential = exp.g,
                     emax = emax.g,
                     doses = doses_var,
                     placEff = plc.guess,
                     maxEff = list_max_eff[[i]],
                     direction = "increasing")

  contM <- getContr(mods = var_models,
                    dose_levels = doses_var,
                    prior_list = var_uninf_prior_list,
                    dose_weights = c(1,1,1,1))

  success_probabilities_var <- assessDesign(
    n_patients  = Nsample_var,
    mods        = var_models,
    prior_list  = var_uninf_prior_list,
    sd          = sd.sim_var,
    n_sim       = n_sim,
    alpha_crit_val = alpha,
    contr = contM)


results_variability_Bay <- extract_success_rates(results_list_Bay_var, variability_scenario)

variability_Bay <- print_result_Bay_max_eff(results_variability_Bay, c(variability_scenario, "average"), expectedEffect)

Power results different expected effects
variable linear exponential emax average
0.05 0.12 0.12 0.09 0.1100000
0.10 0.22 0.21 0.23 0.2200000
0.20 0.57 0.56 0.58 0.5700000
0.30 0.83 0.86 0.87 0.8533333
0.50 0.99 1.00 0.99 0.9933333

4.4.2 varying sample size

results_list_nsample_Bay_var <- list()

var_models <- Mods(linear=NULL,
                   exponential = exp.g,
                   emax = emax.g,
                   doses = doses_var,
                   placEff = plc.guess, 
                   maxEff = expectedEffect_fix,
                   direction = "increasing")

#optimal contrasts
contM <- getContr(mods = var_models, 
                  dose_levels = doses_var, 
                  prior_list = var_uninf_prior_list, 
                  dose_weights = c(1,1,1,1))

contM_2 <- getContr(mods = var_models, 
                  dose_levels = doses_var, 
                  prior_list = var_uninf_prior_list, 
                  dose_weights = c(2,1,1,2))
contrasts_list = list(contM_2, contM, contM_2, contM)

nsample_list_var <- list(20*c(2,1,1,2),30*c(1,1,1,1), 24*c(2,1,1,2),36*c(1,1,1,1))

chunks <- chunkVector(seq_along(nsample_list_var), getDoParWorkers())
results_list_nsample_Bay_var <- foreach(k = chunks, .combine = c, .export = c(as.character(var_models), as.character(contrasts_list)))  %dorng% {
  lapply(k, function (i) {
    success_probabilities_var <- assessDesign(
    n_patients  = nsample_list_var[[i]],
    mods        = var_models,
    prior_list  = var_uninf_prior_list,
    sd          = sd.sim_var,
    n_sim       = n_sim,
    alpha_crit_val = alpha,
    contr = contrasts_list[[i]])

results_variability_Bay_nsample <- extract_success_rates_nsample(results_list_nsample_Bay_var, variability_scenario)

var_nsample_Bay <-  print_result_Bay_nsample(results_variability_Bay_nsample, c(variability_scenario, "average"), as.vector(nsample_list_var))
Success probability results different sample sizes
variable linear exponential emax average
40, 20, 20, 40 0.73 0.74 0.74 0.7366667
30, 30, 30, 30 0.54 0.54 0.55 0.5433333
48, 24, 24, 48 0.83 0.83 0.82 0.8266667
36, 36, 36, 36 0.72 0.70 0.68 0.7000000

5 Comparison

In the following, the comparisons between the success probabilities (i.e.power values for frequentist set-up) of various scenarios and different parameters are visualized.

The following plots show the difference between the results from MCPModPack and BayesianMCPMod. The results of MCPModPack are shown as a line and the difference to the result with BayesianMCPMod is presented as a bar. The results for the different assumed true dose-response models (that were the basis for simulating the data) are shown in different colours.

5.1 varying expected effect for maximum dose

5.1.1 minimal scenario

#table with results
  kable_classic(full_width = TRUE)%>%
    add_header_above(c("Power results different expected effects " = 5), font_size = 15, bold = TRUE)%>%
    add_header_above(c("MCPModPack " = 5), font_size = 15, bold = TRUE)
Power results different expected effects
max_eff linear exponential emax Average
0.05 0.13 0.16 0.17 0.1533333
0.10 0.29 0.43 0.31 0.3433333
0.20 0.80 0.77 0.82 0.7966667
0.30 0.99 0.97 0.98 0.9800000
0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0000000
Power results different expected effects
variable linear exponential emax average
0.05 0.09 0.09 0.05 0.0766667
0.10 0.28 0.26 0.30 0.2800000
0.20 0.80 0.81 0.78 0.7966667
0.30 0.97 0.97 0.99 0.9766667
0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0000000
data_plot_eff_min <- data.frame(
  max_eff = expectedEffect,
  max_eff_num = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
  start_linear = results_min_MCP$linear,
  end_linear = minimal_Bay$result_table$linear,
  start_exp =  results_min_MCP$exponential,
  end_exp = minimal_Bay$result_table$exponential,
  start_emax = results_min_MCP$emax,
  end_emax = minimal_Bay$result_table$emax

# Create the plot
ggplot(data = data_plot_eff_min, aes(x = max_eff_num)) +
  geom_segment(aes(x =  max_eff_num - 0.3, xend = max_eff_num - 0.3, y = start_linear, yend = end_linear, color = "linear", size = "BayesianMCPMod")) +
  geom_segment(aes(x =  max_eff_num - 0.4, xend = max_eff_num - 0.2 , y = start_linear, yend = start_linear, color = "linear", size = "MCPModPack")) +
  geom_segment(aes(x =  max_eff_num - 0.05, xend = max_eff_num - 0.05 , y = start_exp, yend = end_exp, color = "exponential", size = "BayesianMCPMod")) +
  geom_segment(aes(x =  max_eff_num - 0.15, xend = max_eff_num + 0.05, y = start_exp, yend = start_exp, color = "exponential", size = "MCPModPack")) +
  geom_segment(aes(x =  max_eff_num + 0.2, xend = max_eff_num + 0.2, y = start_emax, yend = end_emax, color = "emax", size = "BayesianMCPMod")) +
  geom_segment(aes(x =  max_eff_num + 0.1, xend = max_eff_num  + 0.3, y = start_emax, yend = start_emax, color = "emax", size = "MCPModPack")) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = data_plot_eff_min$max_eff_num, labels = data_plot_eff_min$max_eff) +
  scale_color_manual(name = "Assumed true model", values = c("linear" = "red", "exponential" = "blue", "emax" = "darkgreen", "logistic" = "orange", "sigemax" = "purple", "beta" = "deepskyblue", "quadratic" = "deeppink"))+
  scale_size_manual( name = "Package", values = c("MCPModPack" = 0.5, "BayesianMCPMod" = 3))+
   theme_minimal() +
  ylab("Power") +
  theme_minimal() +
  ylab("Power") +
  xlab("expected effect for maximum dose")+
  ggtitle("Power values different expected effect for maximum dose") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = data_plot_eff_min$max_eff_num + 0.5, linetype="dashed", color = "black") +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
  guides(color = guide_legend(nrow= 2 , byrow= TRUE ), size = guide_legend(nrow= 2 , byrow= TRUE ))