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This function will launch MVP app and pass along arbitrary parameters through the ... parameter to the application. This is done by modifying the global environment. This function will attempt to clean up any objects placed into the global environment on exit. If objects exist prior to calling this function (i.e. exists(OBJECT) returns TRUE) then the value will be reset to it's state prior to calling run_mvp.


run_mvp(appDir = system.file("shiny", package = "MVPapp"), ...)



the directory of the application to run.


shiny::runApp() parameters, shiny::shinyApp() parameters, or parameters to pass to the Shiny app.


The settings below are not technically arguments, however when provided will toggle the app behavior:

  • show_debugging_msg Logical. Default FALSE. Set to TRUE to output verbose working messages in the console, could be useful for debugging.

  • authentication_code Default NULL. Provide a string (i.e. password) to password-lock the entire app.

  • insert_watermark Logical. Default TRUE. Set to FALSE to remove "For Internal Use Only" text in simulated plots.

  • internal_version Logical. Default TRUE. Setting to FALSE may allow generation of NCA reports when hosted on AWS with different access rights.

  • use_bi_styling Logical. Default FALSE. Set to TRUE to insert BI logo.

  • pw_models_path Default NULL. provide a path to source in password-gated models (see the shiny/passworded_models_example.R for ideas, and the vignette: supply passworded models)

Note that these variables are provided internally by default and does not exist as an object - see examples below for its correct usage.

If the user wishes to run the App outside of the function (e.g. preparing for deployment on Posit Connect), this can be done by accessing inst/shiny/app.R, which is located inside the folder of where the package was installed, and set debug_mode = TRUE (and settings these options there as required).


Adapted from


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
run_mvp(insert_watermark = FALSE) # remove watermarks
run_mvp(authentication_code = "some_password") # Password-lock the site,
# could be useful in deployment
run_mvp(pw_models_path = "path/to/your/private/models.R") # see
# "passworded_models_example.R" on how to set one up
} # }