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“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.”

                                                      --- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Understanding the data via exploratory data analysis (EDA) is arguably the most important aspect during model development, yet often overlooked. MVP provides some flexible tools to inspect and explore uploaded datasets quickly, with the goal to effortlessly:

  • Perform summary checks on data on a population level
  • Review and highlight profiles on an individual level

This vignette is meant to introduce a workflow of using MVP to perform quick exploratory data analysis, which all takes place in the “Data Input” page. The reader is recommended to start MVP on a separate browser screen and follow the instructions on this page.

Uploading and Filtering Data

  1. The first step is upload a NONMEM-compatible (.csv) dataset, or a tab-delimited text file (.txt). For full compatibility for the rest of the app, the ID, DV, and TIME columns should be present in the dataset. At minimum, the ID column should be present to at least support plotting in the Data Exploration pages on the right hand side of the page.
  2. There are built-in dataset cleaning options (options collapsed by default - click on the “+” icon to expand the box) that provides short-cuts to commonly used options to filter the dataset. For more custom filtering needs beyond the basics, the code editor on the left hand side of the page provides this flexibility (e.g. renaming Concentration and Time columns to be DV and TIME, respectively, if using non-NONMEM formatted datasets).
  3. Click on the Apply button on the code editor when you are done with filtering via code - a dynamic table showing the filtered data should now show up on the right hand side of the screen (the “Filtered Data” tab) and able to be downloaded if required. If not, check the Console below the Code Editor for potential error messages.

💡 In general, the filters applied here should match with what eventually will be used in the NONMEM control stream files.

Summary Statistics

Quick summary statistics are now available on the “Summary Statistics” tab on the right hand side of the page, derived by using ID as a grouping variable. While summary of all variables (each column) will be provided, obviously not all are relevant or applicable, especially if a variable is a categorical (i.e. discrete) variable. However, this is a useful functionality to review summary statistics for continuous variables e.g. body weight or renal function.

💡 There is a “Transpose Table” checkbox that will further aid visualization of the results for datasets with a lot of columns.

Descriptive Statistics (NCA)

Note: NCA functionality is currently only applicable for single ascending dose (SAD) studies or its equivalent where each subject will only receive one dose. If that’s not the case, skip this section.

  1. Column names for Time, Concentration, Dose will be pre-filled after a dataset is uploaded (user can adjust as they see fit).
  2. Provide a “Group by Additional Column” variable to sort by the defined grouping in the table output.
  3. (Optional) Adjust the units and provide a molecular weight (derives clearance and volume terms if present).
  4. Click the “Calculate NCA” button to view results. The result table(s) can be transposed accordingly if required.

💡 Individual results and/or all profiles can be downloaded by clicking on their respective buttons on the bottom right of the page. For information and details on the various settings, visit the NonCompart and ncar packages guide.

General Plot

The General Plot provide a quick way to visualize multiple data types, including continuous/continuous data, continuous/discrete data (box plots), and discrete/discrete data (count plots).

Continuous Plots

  1. By default, the x-axis and y-axis will be updated to select TIME and DV columns automatically. For non-NONMEM datasets, the user may need to adjust accordingly.
  2. (Optional) The “color by” setting makes it easy to further categorize and visualize the data. It is recommended (but not required) to use a categorical variable for this option.
  3. (Optional) The “facet(s) by” setting provides even more flexibility by allowing multiple columns to perform a facet_wrap(). To optimize visualization, there currently is a hard limit of up to 25 unique combinations.
  4. (Optional) Median lines by variable allows quick assessment of trends by variable. Median lines are derived by connecting the median values of equidistant bins (n=20) across the x-axis.
  5. (Optional) For PKPD models with multiple compartments, a quick shortcut is available to filter to only the compartment of interest to be shown.
  6. (Optional) Plots can be downloaded by clicking on the camera icon (if plots are interactive) on the top right of the plot, or by clicking the “Download Non-Interactive Plot” button (if it is a regular plot). Image settings can be configured in the “Download Options” box, which is collapsed by default (expand by clicking on the “+” icon).

💡 by default interactive plots are switched off for speed. Toggle the checkbox to allow interactive plotting, where hovering on each individual observation will display extra information, along with other useful features.

Box plots

  1. Assuming that the x-axis is a categorical variable, one can toggle the box plot icon to change the visualization to display a box plot, with the number of subjects displayed on top of each boxplot. There currently is a hard limit of up to 20 categories for box plots (i.e. must have <= 20 unique x-axis values).
  2. (Optional) “Color by” and “facet(s) by” settings apply accordingly. Use the “Text Label Size” to adjust the text size that displayed the number of subjects.

💡 Switch off Interactive Plot when using the “Color by” option to ensure the box plots are dodged properly, as the plotly package currently do not offer full support during conversion of a ggplot object.

Count plots

Count plots are considered a special case of box plot where the y-axis variable is either:

  • A character type, or
  • There are <=7 unique values

This will be triggered automatically when any of these two conditions are met. The size of the circle reflects the number of unique subjects belonging to that subset, which is also displayed in a text label.

💡 Currently if the “Color by” option is used, a known issue is that the circles would be stacked on top of each other. A workaround is to use the Interactive Plot option and hover over the circle to obtain count sizes of the “hidden” circles.

Individual Plots

Most options in the “Ind. Plot” tab are carried over from the “General Plot” tab, with the exception of the “Facet by” option, since individual plots are always faceted by the ID column. Note that smoothers and median lines are not relevant for individual plots so they will also not be inserted.

  1. By default, 9 subjects are displayed per page. Adjust the “Rows per Page” and “Columns per Page” accordingly to change the number of subjects per page. Note that the Page selector will be updated dynamically to reflect any changes in rows and columns.
  2. (Optional) Highlight any specific number of subjects to be viewed by using the “Select ID(s)” option. When any subjects are selected this way, the page, row and column options will be ignored.
  3. (Optional) The “Flag Variable” option allows the user to select a variable, and any of its associated values, to be flagged as an asterix (*) on the plot, for further visualization beyond the “Color by” option.

💡 All individual profiles can be downloaded by clicking on the “Generate All Individuals” button which is located directly below the plot. Plot dimensions can be adjusted by expanding the “Download Options” box on the bottom right side of the page.

Correlation Plots

Correlation between variables can be quickly assessed in this tab, using the GGally::ggpairs function. It is recommended to keep the number of variables <7 as the plot may become too bunched up.

💡 Any variables with more than >=10 unique values are assumed to be categorical and converted into a factor for plotting.


The Data Input page of MVP offers the ability to effortlessly review the data, assisting sanity checks and easily pinpoint outliers or potential errors. While this does not replace a more rigorous (i.e. scripted) EDA, the provided features serves as a great “first-pass” and could massively reduce turnaround time of queries back to data programmers.