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dv.teal 2.1.0
- GitHub release
- remove deprecated functions
dv.teal 2.0.1
- bug fix: app crashed after dataset switch with new version of {dv.manager}(version 2.1.4) and {dv.filter}(version 3.0.2)
dv.teal 2.0.0
- add generic wrapper function called mod_teal()
- set module specific wrapper functions to deprecated
dv.teal 1.1.0
New features:
- add wrapper function for teal.osprey::tm_g_butterfly()
- add missing parameter event_type to wrapper function for teal.modules.clinical::tm_t_events()
dv.teal 1.0.1
- adapt wrapper functions to use
dv.teal 1.0.0
- initial version of dv.teal
- contains wrapper functions for the teal modules teal.modules.clinical::tm_t_events() and teal.modules.clinical::tm_t_summary()