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dv.clinlines 1.1.0
- Display drug administration information in different colors, depending on the treatment name.
- Allow for customized color palettes.
- Use dv.manager’s switch2mod() instead of deprecated switch2() function.
- Export mock app.
- Fix error occurring in case only timepoints (i.e., no intervals) are specified.
dv.clinlines 1.0.4
- Adapt basic_info, filter, and drug_admin parameter to adhere module standard
dv.clinlines 1.0.3
- Initial release of dv.clinlines package to GitHub.
dv.clinlines 1.0.2
- Catch error that occurred in case of empty datasets.
- Improve usage of default values for plot settings.
- Improve checks for date variable types.
- Add informative error message in case of the plot being to big.
dv.clinlines 1.0.1
- Fix issue with local filters getting reset unintentionally (occurred especially in combination with dv.filter >= 2.1.0)
- Solve incompatibility with dplyr >= 1.1.0 (note: dv.clinlines now requires dplyr >= 1.1.0 due to updates within the
- Update code to not use deprecated
parameter but afmm$dataset_metadata$name
from dv.manager >= 2.1.0
- Standardize module handling by renaming the subject identifier and using the receiver module’s ID for inter-module communication
- Introduce the possibility to set default plot settings
- Structure plot legend vertically instead of horizontally to avoid cropping
dv.clinlines 0.0.4
- Refactor package
- Restructure wrapper
- Generalize between-module communication (not only to patient profile modules)
- Adaptions for better orientation
- Add plot title, legend title, and x-axis label for better orientation
- Remove participant dropdown (“Subject View”) and rearrange sidebar
- Impute missing start and end dates by informed consent dates and end of participation dates or today for ongoing
- Make drug administration event optional
dv.clinlines 0.0.3
- Remove detail view completely
- Enable communication with a patient profile module when used within dv.manager
- Shorten hover box to display only relevant data points
- Fix a variety of bugs
- Refine error messages that are thrown when setting up an app
- Prepare code export functionality
dv.clinlines 0.0.2
- Improve interaction with dv.manager/ dv.filter:
- Prevent module from being restarted when global filters in the module manager are used.
- Ensure controls/filters are resetted when a dataset in module manager is changed.
- Ensure that all controls/filters are being restored properly when bookmarking happened.
- Add
parameter to mod_clinical_timelines()
so that users can specify the amount of time that passes by before the plot on the main view re-renders.
dv.clinlines 0.0.1
- Change package name from clinicaltimelines to dv.clinlines.