Transforming an existing project into DSO format#

Transforming a project into the DSO format is best done in a separate Git branch to ensure the integrity of the original analysis. Additionally, the transformation can be done step-by-step, transforming single analysis stages at a time.

Initializing DSO in your project and folders#

The easiest way to obtain all essential DSO files for your project is to use the DSO command dso init on project root level. Without specifying any additional path, dso init will ask whether you want to initialize the DSO folder structure in the current directory. When applied to an existing directory, dso init will add missing files, but never change or replace any existing file.


dso init
# Please enter the name of the project, e.g., "single_cell_lung_atlas":
# Directory already exists. Do you want to initialize DSO in an existing project? [y/n]: y

This also applies to folders that organize your project. To transform folders to be usable in the DSO/DVC environment use:

dso create folder
# Please enter the name of the folder, e.g., "RNAseq":
# Directory already exists. Do you want to copy template files to existing folder? [y/n]: y

Set-up the DVC remote storage#

DVC needs a remote storage where your DVC-controlled input and output files are stored.

# Create a directory for storing version-controlled files
mkdir /path/on/shared/filesystem/project1/DVC_STORAGE

# Execute within the project directory to define the remote storage
dvc remote add -d <remote_name> /path/on/shared/filesystem/project1/DVC_STORAGE

Transforming analysis scripts to stages#

The last step is to transform the written analysis scripts into stages. To create a stage, use:

dso create stage <stage_name> # e.g. 01_preprocessing

How-to set-up a stage and the configuration files can be found on the dso getting-started page. The following list describes the most important tasks in transforming your analysis scripts to stages.

  • Define all parameters and stage input files/folders in a

  • Avoid duplicate entries and use parameter inheritance to your advantage.

  • If multiple stages use an input file or a parameter, define it in the of a higher level folder.

  • Define all parameters and dependencies in the dvc.yaml that are used within the stage.

  • Use absolute paths when data is not DVC-controlled and stored within your repository.

  • Use relative paths for stage outputs and DVC-controlled inputs.

  • Use !path in your when using relative paths to files/folders - !path resolves the relative path regardless of the current folder or stage.

  • To track files/folders using DVC, use dvc add <filename/foldername>.

  • Use the read_params() function implemented in the DSO R-package and the DSO Python API to read configuration files in your analysis scripts.

  • Use stage_here() to resolve relative paths from your params.yaml.

  • Write all output files generated within a stage into the output directory.